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You were walking home form a long day at work.

You worked extra hours to cover up for your co-worker.

It was a dark night and something didn't seem right.

As you were walking you heard foot steps behind you, as of someone was following you.

You picked up your pace and started running.

So did the the stalker behind you. 

As you we're running your jeans got caught on something.

It was stuck and you couldn't get it get out. You decided to give up.

It was hopeless, nobody is gonna come and save you in the middle of the night,  or so you think.

As the stalker approached you felt a gush of wind.

It was like something flew past you.

Before you could even see any thing you passed out.

As you regained consciousness you saw you were in some sort of cabin like room.

It was warm.

You were on the huge bed.

Next to the bed was a handsome young man.

He had dirty blonde hair and was pale.

He was sleeping, but then you wondered what happened with that stalker and how you got here.

Was he the man that was following you.

You started panicking.

Tears started flowing down your face,  you let out and audible sob.

Just then the man woke up and saw you crying.

He had a worried expression on his face. "Please d-don't hurt m-me." you said as he got up from the chair.

"I'm not gonna hurt you,  trust me. I'm the one who saved you. I'm Niall." he said.

"I-I'm (Y/N)." you said.

"W-why did you save me?" you asked.

"It's my job." he said.

" Huh?" you asked.

He sighed,  "I'm telling you this only because you seem like someone I can trust."
He took a brief pause.

"I have superpowers I can fly and I have super strength and super hearing. Thats how I heard you crying when you leg got caught. I flew pass you and took out the guy. When I came back to you you was unconscious. So I brought you here." he said.

You were speechless.

"Wow." was all you could say.

"That's amazing. You really lucky." you said.

"Wait,  you're not like freaked out?" he asked shocked.

"No why would I be?. You have a gift and you should be proud." you said.

"You won't tell anyone will you?" he asked.

"Of course not. You secret is safe with me."

"Thank you darling." he said, his blue eyes sparkling in the light of the warm fire.

"No problem,  I should get going now. I don't wanna intrude." you said.

"No stay, you might get hurt again,  please." he said.

Um...are you sure it's fine." you asked.

"Absolutely." he said.

"Oh alright then." you said and started walking towards the couch,  but then he stopped you.

"Where are you going." he asked.

"To the couch." you said.

"No you take the bed I'll take the couch." he said.

"No Niall this is your house I'll take the couch."

"No just shut up and sleep on the bed before I make you." he said.

"Fine." you said. " Goodnight." He said.

"Night Niall."

Hey guys!

What up.

So this is the first imagine of the book. I really did not expect it to be so long but the words were just flowing out of my so why not. I'm not sure if there will be a second part or not but well see what happens. Till then...BYE!!!!!!!

Niall Horan ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now