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Stumbling through the school doors at the end of the day, she yawned loudly and rubbed at her eyes. She was exhausted to the core, lids drooping as she stumbled down the steps. Alice and Jasper were waiting for her, ready to babysit her throughout the day. Edward was going hunting with the others, Bella was going to LaPush.

Andy wanted to join her but Quil was running patrol and Lynn had plenty of school work to catch up on. They were already out for the summer, luckily for them, but the girl was struggling to make up for the work she missed in her advanced courses. The pack seemed to forget that Andy was graduating and already completed all this work- she could have easily helped.

Her mind buzzed with calculus equations, spinning with information as she went over her answers. She had finished before her sister, giving her the opportunity to leave earlier though she didn't know what she was going to do the rest of the day.

With her final exams finished and the weekend cleared, Andy only had her graduation set for Monday. She was officially done high school.

It was strange, having nothing to do for the rest of the summer- possibly for the rest of forever if it came down to it.

"How did History go?" Jasper questioned as soon as she got into earshot.

Grinning, she skipped the rest of the way to the couple, "Easier than you can imagine. I flew through the essay like it was nothing."

Jasper smiled, congratulating her with a pat on the back. He led her around the front of he car, letting her drop her bags into the back seat before she slid in. The music was off, the car silent as the vampires climbed in- sharing the occasional look.

"What's wrong?" she piped from the back, leaning forward between the seats.

Alice turned to her, eyes narrowed and snapped, "What do you think you're doing? Sit back and put your seatbelt on."

Rolling her eyes, she did as she was told- buckling herself in and resting her head against the window. The trees grew taller and thicker the further they moved from town.

It was one of the many things she loved about living in Forks, the nature that surrounded them was so entirely welcoming. It was a wonder how more people didn't get lost.

Coming upon the road to the Cullen home, she sat straighter and faced the couple in the front. They held hands over the center console, matching together like two missing pieces.

"Why don't we try to get some training in before the others get back?" Jasper suggested, glancing to her in the rear-view mirror. "We can work on your empathic abilities?"

Her head fell back against the seat and a groan passed her lips. She felt heavy, as though she was being dragged down by some invisible weight. She was tired and her heart clenched in preparation for something.

"Why?" she murmured, not looking at either of them. She kept her eyes focused on the roof above her.

"You never know when you'll need it," Alice spoke calmly, stepping from the car as soon as they pulled up outside of the large, modern home.

Andy followed with a grumble, her hands digging into her pocket and her head kept lowered as her shoes pressed into the dirt.

She had spent hours in that dirt, being assaulted by various emotions continuously. It was something she had learnt that grow use to, it was a familiar sensation to have so many different things settle in her bones.

Heavy Hearts | Quil Ateara [3]Where stories live. Discover now