quize pt.2

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"Settle down!" Sam shouted over them. "We knew that one of you would be bound to her, we just didn't think it would be Lynn. Nothing changes, they're still one of us."

The Alpha sent the girls a look, and the three were quick to sit. Andy easily slipped herself into her spot on Quil's lap. Slowly, she coxed him from his shocked state. Wide eyes met her worried ones and he wrapped himself around her, pulling her incredibly close.

'Are you alright?' she mouthed the to him, carefully observing his eyes. He seemed upset- more so upset than anything else. She could feel an anguish that pumped through her like a sickness, and spread the longer that they sat together. She frowned at the way his eyes wrinkled at the corners and his jaw ticked.

His eyes flickered down to meet hers causing her frown to deepen at the way he simply nodded. She wanted to say something, but no words came to her. His pain hurt her more than she could ever understand- though what hurt her most was that she did not know what she could do to help.

"That was the story of the spirit warriors," Old Quil began in a thin tenor, her attention snapping to him. "This is the story of the third wife."

Tensing, she clenched her eyes and buried her head into his shoulder.

"What's wrong?" he whispered, his lips brushing against her ear softly.

"No more stories," she whimpered. "I don't want to see anything else, it's so hard and stressful. Can we leave?"

A shocked gasp left her lips as he readjusted his hold on her and stood from his spot. She had no time to see either Bella, Lynn, or Leah before they were out of sight. He moved too quickly, and it seemed like he was ready to leave with her before she even said a word.

She held to him tightly, gripping him as she swayed slightly in his arms. His feet carried them across the sand confidently, his strides long and purposeful. He was warm, his heat making up for the lack of the fire.

"Where are we going?" she asked. Her face was so very close to his, her small body fit against his perfectly.

"Just a little further up the beach, far enough away that they can't hear us," he replied, barely sparing her a glance.

"But don't you want to be able to hear the legends? Isn't this your first time hearing them as well?" questioned him.

Quil's eyes flickered to hers briefly. "I'd rather you be comfortable, than hear the stories with the others. Plus, I've already heard them all before, you're the one that's really missing out."

Andy grumbled under her breath, mocking him playfully. She found it incongruous that he always placed her before himself.

"But what about you? Did you want to be there? Spending time with them?" she pressed.

"I'd rather spend time with you over everyone- anything," he told her, the sincerity that she felt coming from him sent butterflies in her stomach. The way he spoke to her, the way he spoke about her was almost surreal- it was perfection, basically what every girl dreams of hearing.

"Since when have you been so romantic?" she teased, patting his chest lightly.

"For you?" he looked down at her with a grin. "Always."

Andy blinked once, his words ringing in her head. She sputtered out unintelligible sentences- her mind blank.

"What?" she breathed in disbelief.

Quil didn't say anything in return. Only sitting on the sand with her still held tightly in his arms. The waves lapped against the shore, soaking the sand. On the water, she could see he moon, its reflection shimmering. She wondered how deep it went.

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