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She threw a plate at his head, knowing well enough that he would catch it but it was mainly for effect. Glaring as he laughed, Andy picked up another object and prepared to throw it at him as well. Emmett just sat there, laughing, and smiling goofily at her misfortune

Whoever thought it would be good idea to leave her with him for the morning must not have been thinking straight. While her leg was still healing, she had quite a bit of difficulty moving around and instead of helping her when she falls, the bear of a man decided to simply laugh. Instead of helping retrieve a plate from one of the higher shelves, he watched as she painfully pulled herself onto the counter.

Sitting on the counter throwing plates at him seemed to be the best way to work off her irritation and to pass the time until the others returned. It would have been better if he wasn't able to actually catch the plates.

"Stop catching them!" She shrieked, taking another plate from the shelf behind her and throwing it.

"You're so vicious! This is what happened when you hang out with animals," he teased, easily catching more plates.

"The only animal I see here is you," she retaliated.

"Why is it that you always have an attitude when I'm not around?"

Freezing, Andy's hand hovered above the plate she was about to pick up. She turned her head slowly to see Jasper standing with his arms crossed in the doorway. Alice and Esme were hiding behind him, their snickers and giggles flowing into the wide kitchen area.

"Funny story," she began sheepishly. "Emmett practically pushed me when I was trying to get around and then when I was reaching for my plate, he lifted me and placed me on the counter knowing I couldn't get down."

Emmett's mouth dropped as he quickly made a sound of protest. Jasper sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose.

"The truth?"

Andy rolled her eyes. "I was having trouble walking because of my leg and he just laughed when I fell, and then he wouldn't help me get a plate so I got myself stuck up here."

Emmett nodded in agreement but stopped when Jasper hit him around the head. The blond vampire made his way to the human girl's side and lifted her off the counter.

"Carlisle gave you crutches so you wouldn't fall or hurt your leg further," he scolded her.

"I don't like to use them. They're stupid," she grumbled.

"They're hardly stupid," he argued. "You're going to use them as punishment for throwing plates around."

"But Jas-"

"No buts."

She glared at his retreating figure and mumbled obscenities under her breath, knowing very well that he could hear her. On the other side of the room she could hear Emmet trying to muffle his laughter. The pair shared a look before bursting into laughter.


"Where were, you guys all morning?" Andy questioned as they set themselves up in front of the house.

"We had a meeting about who the intruder in your house could have been with Bella, and then decided that it would be best if you spent the afternoon in LaPush while we all went hunting," Jasper informed her.

Gaping at him, she couldn't find the words to express herself but she figured that her raging emotions were enough to give him some sort if hint. She had yet to speak to Quil, he had tried to call her back but she always had some excuse. She could hardly manage speaking to them, yet they wanted her to go over and make buddy-buddy.

"it's for your safety, Andy," Alice explained.

She scoffed, "Because I feel super safe around them?"

"Maybe we should talk about this later?" Alice suggested. "We were actually going to help you practice."

"Practice what?"

Jasper sat on the ground and gestured for her to join him. Together they just sat, the vampire pushing her with various emotions to see how she would react.

She could take most of them easily, many were the things she had suffered with for as long as she could remember. They were emotions that were heavy, but no were close to the extremes that the Quileute pack felt regularly. She could classify these emotions as soft, not quite pastels, but gentle tones.

It was easy to push the emotions away, dragging them and leading them with invisible hands to a locked away portion of her mind and she felt neutral. Neutral was a blank feeling, something that didn't feel right and she looked to Jasper with wide eyes because it had been a while since she felt so numb and indifferent to everything.

"You're pushing away your own feelings, disregarding them by accident," he explained. 'Just call them back. Relax and let it wash over you."

Doing as told, she let herself relax. Her eyes were closed, darkness surrounding her and she opened her mind. A plethora of pastels and calming colours swarmed her vision, each sending an assigned emotion caressing her skin. They entwined her, encompassing her before sinking in. She felt warm and light.

Peeling her eyes open blinked rapidly at the assaulting light as everything began to focus. She looked at Jasper, a proud smile on his face with Alice behind him wearing a loving smile.

"Feel better?"


She was crazy tired by the time Bella and Edward arrived to pick her up. She had spent many hours trying to push Alice to feel various things and not once did it work. Jasper had sworn that she only needed more practice, but she thought it was because she had yet to master her valerian abilities.

Every legend and article written about the Valerians stated that she should be able to heal both physically and mentally. She ha yet to heal someone mentally, and when she did heal someone physically it was always at great risk to herself.

She felt like her abilities are useless if she couldn't work them properly but the couple were quick to disagree with her because they did help others.

"You ready?" Bella asked upon greeting her sister with a hug.

"Nope. I don't wanna go."

Bella looked to the vampires and they all shrugged as if to tell the girl it was her problem. "Listen, it won't be that bad. You seem to be alright around Jake."

"I hate Jake."

"What if I agree to willingly go to Alice's graduation party?" Bella tried to bargain.

"You don't have a choice either way."

The elder sister groaned and shot the other's pleading glares. Not receiving a reply, she lifted her sister up and over her shoulder with a grunt and carried her kicking and screaming to Edward's car.

"Wait! Wait! I'll go if Mr. Darcy can come!" she shouted.

"The cat?" Bella asked in disbelief.

"Yes, the cat. Cat's hate dogs so maybe he'll protect me by attacking them," Andy explained innocently.


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