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Anxiety was a conflicting feeling that sent fire to her hear and sent chills down her spine. Hands shaking, and breathing quick she sat staring at her phone. She had so many things she wanted to understand, wanted to say to them but every part of her yelled not to.

Fearing something, and then confronting your fears were very different things, and nothing anyone had ever said to her made it easy. For months, it had been Lynn, Quil and herself. She had hardly spent a moment without them her side when the Cullen's were gone, and she absolutely refused to think of them as a substitute because they were anything but.

Lynn was a friend that she had always needed, a friend that she had truly made by herself without anyone help. The girl was lively and protective, full of bright colours and deep laughs that made Andy believe that the sun truly did shine in the cloudy region because it lived in her smile.

Quil was everything from the moment he somehow managed to get her phone number from her sister. The boy was the only one that had ever truly looked at her, and she him. He was the only boy that ever existed for her, the one that made her slightly crazy in love because she loved him so much.

They weren't replacements but she was never meant to fear being in the same room as them.

She wanted to do as her sister advised, to call them and talk things over. Bella had expressed how important it was that she spoke to Quil because if she was bothered by the distance between them, then he was falling apart. She wanted to understand everything, but she feared what they would say. Everything she had learnt of the pack was from Bella and the Cullen's and she knew not to trust everything they said.

Rolling back her shoulder, Andy reached out and dialed the number that she knew would be the easiest conversation.

She was being shaken softly and her eyes fluttered open to see a tired Bella sitting beside her on the bed.

"What?" she groaned, turning over, she placed her head on her sister's lap and closed her eyes.

"Andy, you need to get up Jacob needs to come in and smell your room," Bella whispered softly. "Jasper has already been in here and Alice wants you to sleep at their house tonight."

"What's happening?" the sleepy girl muttered.

"Just get up Andy!"

"I'm up. I'm up," she said following with a few curses under her breath.

She made her way downstairs slowly, each step wobbly and unsure as she tried to shake off the limp that held her back. Her sister was no where in sight, only her father who sat in front of he television watching a game of football. Passing by him undetected, she stepped out into the front lawn.

Jacob and Edward stood close together, Bella standing to the side begging them to stop. It was an odd scenario and she half expected them to turn and begin to argue with her. Watching them together, it was hard to see what Bella saw in either of them. Both were furious, ready to rip the other to shreds just to be with her. Andy was no expert on love or relationships, but none of that seemed about right. They were angry, but she viewed arguing because she did not choose you as ridiculous.

"Bells," Andy called out, announcing her presence. "You can send the others in, I have al I need."

Jacob left the couple and came to the young Swan's side he moment she made herself known, not reacting to the way she backed away from him as he got closer.

"We're setting up a guard detail for you guys at night to keep you safe," the shifter told her. "Quil and Lynn claim to be here every night but since you've already spoken to Lynn today, she should have let you know."

Heavy Hearts | Quil Ateara [3]Where stories live. Discover now