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Her feet were shaky as she stepped out of the shiny car. She was slow with her movements, her body screaming at her in protest with every action.

Eyes searching, she looked around slowly. She hadn't seen her sister since the girl had left to visit their mother. Walking forward slowly, she kept her head down as she avoided all eye contact. She felt as though they would be able to tell everything just by looking at her.

A cold hand slipped into her own, lightly squeezing. Glancing over, she saw Alice giving her a tiny smile. It had been like this since the night of the incident. The vampire wouldn't leave her side, growling at anyone she deemed too close to her.

Andy let the girl lead her through the parking lot towards her Edwards volvo. She could see Bella sitting in the passenger seat. Edward was out of the car the second the pair were close enough, his eyes softening as they brushed over her quickly before turning his heated glare at towards someone else.

Following his gaze, Andy found herself stumbling to a stop. Jacob stood there, arms bare in a tight shirt. He stood against a motorbike, arm muscles bunched and tight as his glare followed the vampires. His hair was wet, hanging limp onto his forehead from the light rain. He looked intimidating, scary, and ready to fight anyone.

She could recognize the fury in his eyes from here, menacing and dangerous. That's what he was, dangerous and Andy would never be able to mistake him for anything else. The wolves were a danger to her, no matter how much they argued that they would never hurt her. It was something they swore, to never hurt her but their presence alone hurt her.

They were always so angry, also feeling something so heightened and extreme. They were creatures of legends and stories that became reality hidden in human skin. They hunted the threats to their tribe, the cold ones that drank blood. The wolves were huge gigantic and vicious made from the things of nightmares.

Their legends told stories of her kind, she was certain of it. Andy could tell by the way the tribe elders had watched her for most of her life. They wolves had watched her before the big secret was bursting and out in the open.

She didn't need them around, she hated them. She feared them.

"Let's go inside, Allie," Andy muttered. She tugged the vampires arm gently in the other direction.

Alice placed her other hand on the small human's neck softly. The bandage underneath the cream turtle neck was something that would haunt the vampire. The psychic felt guilty for allowing something so awful to happen to her little Andy when she could have prevented it.

"Are you sure? Don't you want to go and see your sister?" Alice questioned lowly, thumb grazing over the hidden bandage carefully.

Looking through her lashes at the car, Andy leaned into Alice as they walked forward. Her heart ached with by the look on her sister's face, the horror and pain that was evident. Bella was flying out of the car in a moment, beat up shoes pressing into wet asphalt moving at a quick pace in her direction. She was confused for just a moment, wondering why the girl would be coming towards her instead of the wolf boy that was following the eldest Swan girl every movement, watching her every breath.

"Andy, what happened?" Bella mumbled, hands barely fluttering over covered arms. Mud-brown eyes grazed over Andy's face, watering at the sight of the ugly yellow bruise that was hastily concealed under makeup and hair. Bella turned on Alice, angry. "What the hell happened?"

Refusing to look her way, she glanced back towards the boys that had their chests pressed together, breathing heavily as the whispered harsh words to each other. She could sense the tension that rolled off them, feel the anger that radiated from them and seep into her skin.

Heavy Hearts | Quil Ateara [3]Where stories live. Discover now