No Such Thing As Werewolves

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~Chapter Twenty Five~

{No Such Thing As Werewolves }


"Wake up sleepy head." My morning voice mustered out in the warm light that filled Melody's bedroom.

"Ugh." She moaned and tossed the blanket over and sat up, her blonde hair sticking up all over. We sat the at foot of her bed in the early morning quiet. My phone read 5:30 a.m. and my eyelids were still heavy from sleep. Well, the sleep that I somehow managed to pull through last night. I was staring at the floor in thought when Melody's arms wrapped around my waist and my bare chest.

"You're warm." She shivered.

"Aha, thanks." I laughed a little and hugged her back. If only every morning of my life could be this way. I hugged her lightly though. I was scared that if I hugged to hard I might hurt her.

"I'm going to hop in the shower. You can go hunt for a rabbit or something" She stood up and stumbled blindly to the bathroom.

"I think cereal will be just as good." I grinned and left to downstairs, I was greeted by someone I would prefer not talking to.

Melody's dad say in his signature black suit and his hair jelled back, still showing signs of grey through the strands.

"Goodmorning Mr.Montgomery." I stood up straight and looked at him.

"Goodmorning Ethan." He said with a light tone of disgust. I ignored it and walked into the kitchen.

"Where is Melody?" He asked and looked up from his newspaper.

"Taking a shower." I replied, looking for a bowl.

"Hmm." He grunted and took a drink of his dark coffee.

I finally found a bowl and poured some Captain Crunch and milk into it before grabbing a spoon and heading to the table. I sat right across from Melody's dad and took a bite. I looked up and felt his eyes watching me very intently. It really creeped me out and made me think that maybe hunting for a rabbit would've been a better choice than sitting here.

"So Ethan. How have you been?" He asked casually as if he wasn't trying to scare me.

"Very well sir. And you?" I tried to be as polite as possible around him.

"Busy busy busy. Work has been hard." He stated.

"Where do you work?" I asked, trying to act clueless.

"Well I think we both know that you know the answer to that." He folded his newspaper up and crossed his arms.

"No sir." I finished my cereal and set the bowl in the sink, sitting back down.

"The only reason you aren't dead is because you make my daughter happy. Don't screw that up young man." He leaned over the table and clenched his teeth in hatred.

"Yes sir." I appointed before getting up and walking back up stairs. He knew I was a werewolf, and that was no good. How could he have found out about it? He was a hunter of course he knew about it.

I knocked on Melody's bedroom door and no one came to it. I opened it to nobody and the shower wasn't running.

"Mel?" I asked, knocking on the bathroom door. Nobody once again, and if I walked in on her naked again I would feel embarrassed again. I pushed the door open slowly and the bathroom was tidy and no sign of anyone. Was I just dreaming all this?

I focused in on my surroundings and hearings. I heard the sink running downstairs and snoring from Luke's room and I focused harder and could hear cars and wind and heartbeats. I could hear three of them. Which meant Melody was here somewhere.

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