Welcome To Ashton

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~Chapter Three~

Welcome To Ashton

I awoke to Jasper meowing and rubbing his little pink nose against my leg.

"Shutttt upppp." I grumbled. I sank deeper into the warmth of my bed for another 20 minutes before actually getting up. The clock read 10:12 a.m. Sunday. I got up and stretched my arms. Setting the book I fell asleep on, on top of my laptop at my desk. I walked outside into the hallway and remembered that life was different now. I wasn't going to wake up to pancakes every morning anymore. I went back into my room, my cold feet padding along the flooring. I opened my closet and looked at my clothes. Yawning. Three jeans, a skirt, and a few shirts. Oh yeah, school shopping. I took a warm shower and threw my long blonde hair up into a messy sockbun. I put on some dark, faded skinny jeans and a navy blue hoodie, yawning again. I slipped on my black Vans and caught the cat eyeing me down. Truth is I didn't even know whose cat this was. And the house showed no sign of any other animal.

"What? I'll get some cat food on the way back." I talked to Jasper. That's right, I was talking to a cat. I put on a little eyeliner and mascara and grabbed my wallet and IPhone. I peeked into Luke's room and he was still asleep. At almost 11:30 a.m. He was so lazy. I realized it felt pretty good to wake up and realize your brother is right across the hall. I sent him a text that he could read later: Went shopping. Call you later. -Mel

I took a ten off his dresser (and his keys) and headed downstairs. I think Luke had a job or something. Because I had already taken money from him. As I walked into the living room I didn't expect to see someone sitting in the recliner. I stood and stared at him. Dad? He sipped his coffee and looked over at me,

"Melody!" He stood up and gave me a hug. I stood there, not hugging back. He smiled and grabbed my shoulders.

"Long time no see." I mumbled. Trying not to punch the man I hadn't seen in two years, in the face.

"I know. I was hoping we could catch up. Since you'll be living here." My dad beamed.

"Yeah well I got to go." Trying not to look at him. He raised an eyebrow questioningly. He had clearly aged. New grey hairs shined in the light. He looked tired,

"Wait where are you going?" He asked, I rolled my eyes. Why did he care?

"To find somewhere I can buy clothes. Why?"

"Well I am your father so I kind of would like to know where you're going." I crossed my arms and listened to him,"there's a mall up town."

I nodded and left. Leaving him to drink his coffee.

On my way "up town" I doubted my self. Was I too harsh? I shook my head and decided to roll down the pickup window and let the cool breeze blow through. I took in a deep breath of rainy smell and looked at all the little shops and stores lined up. Like hair salons and little knick-knack shops. I finally found the mall after a while.

The mall was two stories and was actually kind of big. I walked around looking at all the different stores. I stopped and went in one called MaryAnne's. I needed a school bag. The small shop smelt like cheap incense and only had a few people in it. It's stuff ranged from piercings and beads to bracelets and old Hello Kitty collectors items. I walked over to a rack of bags and looked around. Then someone interrupted me.

"I would suggest something Red, White, and Black. School pride." I looked up to see a girl a little shorter than I. She had black hair with red streaks and a black tutu. Her striped tights and shirt looking goth.

"Thanks but Id prefer to not wear school colors." I didn't really want to be noticed by a bunch of annoying people.

She looked at me. Clearly understanding me,"Well I'm Lily. Welcome to Ashton. I guess your new." She smiled and stuck out her gloved hand. I shook it,

"I'm Melody."

I grabbed a shoulder bag that was light blue and sandy colored striped. Ten bucks. Score. Lily followed me up to the counter and jumped up to sit on it.

"Are you a Freshman?"she asked.

"Sophomore. You?" The cashier could've been a replica of Lily just more emo.

"Bummer I'm a Freshman." Her black combat boots dangling above the floor as if they were too heavy for her feet. The cashier butt in,

"Lily I'm not going to tell you again. Off. The. Counter." I giggled as the cashier, whom was probably Lily's sister, glared at Lily. I was about to walk out the door when Lily stopped me,"See you tomorrow!" Her smile was contagious.


I bought all the things I needed and went into a Starbucks. I wanted a coffee. I sat in the far corner beside the window watching all the shoppers and teens. When someone on a bench caught my eye. He was wearing dark clothing and had dark brown hair. His pale hands were typing away at his phone. I jumped a little when my phone vibrated.


U owe me 10 bucks. & get this cat out of here.

Haha. No. I drank my coffee in silence and watched as the hooded guy walked into Starbucks and sat at the table across from me. Why was he staring? Freaky... He kept glancing at me until I had left out to Luke's truck. Hopefully that guy wasn't stalking me.

It was around 2:30 when I got home. Luke had texted me that he and Ashley went out for a movie. Cool, now I could explore the place. My dad was in his office and I don't think he even noticed I was home. Jasper was spewed across my bed and hopped off when I poured him some cat food.

Finally getting a better look at the house I realized it was actually very beautiful. I tried to be quiet when I stepped past my fathers office and through the back door. A small, cemented path led me around. The back yard was gorgeous. Trees of all types were everywhere and flowers bloomed different colors. I gasped in awe when the path led me to a circle. A big fountain stood in the center. I walked around it, dragging my cold fingertips along the chipped blue paint. Water and autumn leaves littered the inside. It was gorgeous. I sat and watched the way the sunlight made dust in the air sparkle. Breathing in the warmth I snapped my head to the right. A rustle in the bushes made me grip the edge of the fountain. I stood up very slowly and cautiously. The guy from the mall walked out. I got up defensively.

"Who are you?" I slipped my pocket knife out of my pocket and watched as he approached slowly.

"My name is Eli. But that's not Important." He reached out to touch my arm and I pulled back.

"What is?" I asked,trying not to show the amount of fear I had.

"When your mom died. I was there. I came to warn you." He looked me in the eyes. Could I trust this guy?

"Warn me?" I was confused. He put a hand on my shoulder. I studied his face more carefully. He wasn't bad looking. His hair was kind of curly and he had brown eyes that resembled the leaves on the ground. His jawline was a little uneven though.

"It didn't kill her for no reason. And I don't think it's finished with its work." He gave my shoulder one last squeeze before walking into a woods. What did he mean by it wasn't finished?

I closed the knife and walked back inside as it started to rain. I sat in my window and read a book. Trying not to ponder on the fact that my moms killer was out there.


Ok that's it for Chapter 3!

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Do you think Eli is someone Mel can trust?


P.s I love suggestions.

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