Ashton High

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Chapter Four~
Ashton High
I took a deep breath in the steamy bathroom mirror, today was the first day of school. I had no idea what to wear. Jasper rubbed against my damp leg and I pushed him away. That's right, my cat now.
I put on some dark faded skinny jeans, my black Vans, and a blue v-neck. I straightened my long blonde hair and put on a little make up. I looked just like my mom. Thin, 5 foot 4 and a half , and and Hazel eyes. After putting on some lipgloss I but my notebooks and stuff in my bag. By 7:05 I was out the door. I took one last look at my picture frame and whispered to my mom,
"Wish me luck."
I went down the stairs hoping not to run into my dad. Luke was in the kitchen with a backpack over his shoulder. He finished the bagel he was eating and smiled,
"Better get going." I smiled back. Not showing how nervous I was. We drove his truck and he started telling me a little about the school.
"I'm a senior so you won't see me a lot. But it's kind of big compared to your old school." I started playing with the strings on my hoodie and nodded. Big schools equaled trouble. Drama. Ugh.
He dropped me off at the front and gave me hug before driving off to find a parking space. He was right, this school was huge. It was all one big building. Neatly painted brick walls, red roof, and a huge Cougar statue outside. Ashton High Cougars. The gymnasium and locker rooms (by guess) were in another bigger building. Red benches outside had groups of people laughing and talking. Some noticed me and smiled or whispered. They clearly hadn't had a new student in a while. I took a deep breath and walked in.
It was like everyone had a clique or group. Ya know, the geeks, the jocks, cheerleaders, goths, and what not. I was surprised when I saw a familiar face in the hall. Eli. I still didn't know about this guy.
The secretary looked up at me and smiled,
"Need anything?" Her red painted lips moved.
"Uh yeah. I'm a new student. Melody Montgomery." My fingers fidgeted with my bag.
"Oh yes, let me get your papers and stuff." I smiled at her thankfully before she walked into another room. She came back and handed me a paper and a padlock.
"Locker 102. Have a good day."
I walked down the hall looking for locker 102. It was next to this one chick that gave me weird looks and played with her gum. Okay then.
I had a red locker that looked pretty new. I didn't have much to put in it so I just locked it and left. All I had was two notebooks, my phone, and some mechanical pencils. The school was nice. The trophy cases were neat and precise and the cafeteria was clean. Thank god. I spent my time wandering around until the bell rang. Time for geometry. Yay. I looked on my paper and looked for the right classroom. When I found the room I opened the door just as people were sitting down. Students were giggling and laughing, catching up on each others summers. I stood there looking for an empty seat, the teacher stood up.
"Ah you must be Melody Montgomery. I'm Mr.Smith." He beamed. Smith was such a common name...he was older, grey hair, and a few wrinkles. I prayed and prayed he didn't have me introduce myself. Thankfully he had me take a seat and all was well.
Geometry went quickly. Thank The Lord.
My schedule was:
Period 1 - Geometry - Mr.Smith
Period 2 - AP Chemistry - Mrs.Larets
Period 3 - World Literature - Mrs.Winter
Period 4 - Geography - Mr. Morrow
Period 5 - Band - Mrs. Davis
Period 6 - free period
Period 7 - P.E. - Coach McHatthen
Period 8 - Art - Miss Faven
It all went by normally. The teachers were all pretty nice (for now) except Mr.Morrow had this really annoying monotone voice. I thought I was going to fall asleep.
I had a free period and decided to go put all my new books in it. My arms full, I struggled to unlock it. I put in the numbers right. After five or six attempts I got irritated and dropped my books. Until a guy came up to me.
He was tall and in shape. His brown hair was spiked a little in the front and his blue eyes pierced me like daggers. He was gorgeous. Oh god I didn't even know this guy. He gave my locker a little knock and it popped open. He smiled at me.
"I had that locker last year." So he was a Junior.
I bent down to pick up my books and he did to. We stood back up and he smiled again. This was turning out to be a cheesy movie.
"I'm Ethan." He leaned up against the locker next to me.
"Melody."I replied.
"Got a free period? I can show you around if you want..." He asked,
"That would be great." I said as we walked down the long hall. I kept glancing at him.
"Are you Lucas Montgomery's sister? He's on the football team with me." Did I look like me brother or something?
"Yeah. I just moved here." I said. Why did I have butterflies? I barely knew this guy.
"Well how do you like the school this far?" He smiled.
"It's nice." I didn't know what to say. Haha weird right.
His phone buzzed and he read something on the screen,"Hey I'd love to talk but I gotta go. We should hangout one day." And he took my phone, putting his number in. I giggled as he left. What was my problem. Something about the way his azure eyes scanned was so trusting.

Yay! Chapter 4 is done. Sorry, I've been really busy. But I hope you liked it.
Btw, I've had writers block for a week lol :)

Wolf KissedOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora