Friday Night Lights

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••Chapter Eight••
•••Friday Night Lights•••
Melody's POV~
"As you all know, Halloween is coming up soon. Which means The Fright Night Halloween Formal is coming up. " Principal Atan continued.
It was October eighteenth today. I was so glad it was Friday. Roughly two weeks until this Formal.
"On Monday we will start decorating. And picking the Dance Committee. Thank you all for your time."
Everyone knew what this thing was except me.
Lily and this Sophomore I had a lot of classes with, Talia, filled me in.
The Fright Night Formal was the highschools Halloween dance. It was pretty big here next to the Christmas Ball. They decorated the gym all creepy and everyone wore cool costumes and what not. It was from 9:00 p.m. To 11:00 pm. Which was pretty late but I guess almost the whole school went. And everyone said it was worth the two hours. You could bring a date and they took picture at the door like at Prom. Which I have actually never been to a dance or prom.
Except those stupid, in school, middle school dances where you first hit puberty and awkwardly dance stiffly. And we were practically forced into those.
Anyways, Talia was pretty cool. We had a lot in common except she was way more girly than I.
I was pulled out of my thoughts by Ethan. It was the last period of the day and we were headed to the bus for the football game tonight. Friday Night Football! I talked my way into getting on the bus with the players. I told Coach McHatthen I wanted to see Luke play really bad. He bought it. It was a three hour away game.
"What's up short thang?" He said putting his elbow on my shoulder.
"Nothing much. And I'm not short! You just happen to be a good seven inches taller!" I laughed. Even though his tallness made him even cuter. Someone tapped on my shoulder. One of the football players, Damon Price. Most girls would DIE to go to any dance with him.
"Melody?" He smirked.
"Yes Damon?" I asked. Ethan stood behind me.
"Wanna go to Fright Night with me?" He asked mischievously.
"Uh sorry but no thanks. But I'm sure that girl over there would love to go with you." I pointed at Talia because I knew she liked Damon. Damon walked over to her with a big grin. A few moments after she ran up to me all excited.
"I'm going to the dance with Damon Price!!" I thought she was going to have a heart attack. I was happy for her though.
We got on the big yellow bus and I sat towards the back with other football players and cheerleaders. I sat I the seat directly across from Ethan. He warned me the guys on the bus could be really perverted at times. We all sat for the three hours laughing and talking about the most random things. The three hours flew by and we stopped at our destination, Marvin High. Our rivals.
The team and cheer squad got in for free so Ethan, Luke, and JJ (another player, snuck me in. The football team and I had become pretty good friends since they learned I loved football too. We all got along.
I must admit, Ethan looked pretty damn hot in his Black, white, and Red uniform. It was five minutes till six. Luke gave me a kiss on the forehead,
"Thanks for coming tonight sis." He said before heading to his team.
I sat in the grandstands and waited for the game to start. I had on Luke's black sweater with "2012 Division VI Champions" and all the football teams names embroidered into it in red. It had #14 Montgomery down the sleeves. And it just showed what a badass quarterback Luke was. The first quarter went by swiftly. With us in lead 12-0.
I was fine in my spot until Eli sat next to me.
"Hello there." He said tauntingly.
Ethan's head snapped up from on the field and fixed on Eli.
"Go away." I said.
"Make me." He laughed.
Ethan's POV:
As soon as Eli even came close to Melody my wolf senses went crazy. I could hear him even through the crowds noise as he told Melody, "Make me."
I stared heating up. I couldn't shift into wolf form on the field. I just couldn't. I could feel my blue eyes turn a close to white, neon blue. I growled and the guy in front of me on the other team looked frightened. The whistle blew and I raged. I sacked about 4 guys and JJ made a touchdown. The cheerleaders began to cheer and coach looked at me impressively. I could feel my canines enlarge. We did another play and Luke threw the ball. It meant to go to the wide receiver but it got it.
I ran like lightning across the field. My werewolf genes making my reflexes faster. I jumped over a guy and the crowd was screaming I had made a touchdown. My breathing was heavy and I was holding back a shift. I looked up to see Eli gone and Melody standing up cheering me on. I eased up a bit. But I still knew Eli was here somewhere. And for now, he posed as a threat. Not a friend. By to see Melody cheering and smiling I the crowd made me calm.
I heard from other wolves when. I was younger that to keep from shifting you needed an anchor. Something to pull you. And Melody was mine. I knew.
I wasn't born wolf. I was bitten. I'm 16 right now. On my fifteenth birthday I partied with some friends. I wasn't that drunk but I somehow got carried away. Next thing I know I'm a huge dog.
We won the game 43-13.
Even though I didn't really like Eli, I needed to relax and have a fun. So I did.
Melody's POV:
We won! Championships were next! I was so proud. Ethan made 5 touchdowns.
All the sweaty players got on the bus. Ethan looked hot as hell with his helmet in one hand and his hair stuck to his forehead with sweat. It sounds gross but it wasn't.
Luke had lady's from Marvin High ALLL over him. Luckily he had Ashley. Whom was willing to beat the crap out of any girl. I got a picture taken of Luke and I at the game. It was great.
It was 8:30 p.m and we had a three hour drive back. The bus was dark and people were being noisy and laughing. Everyone was happy about our win. I sat across from Ethan again. Three rows to the last. The moon outside was super bright. He kept looking at me. And after a few minutes he was completely staring. His eyes look a bit brighter than usual. Must've been the moon playing tricks.
JJ yelled from the back, "Whose up for bowling tomorrow night? To celebrate?"
Everyone cheered in agreement.
Ethan looked at me seriously, "You are going." It seemed like a demand. I laughed. Because it was cute.
We were thirty minutes into our drive. It was ten. Luke was making out with Ashley, JJ was groping at Maria Gateman, and people were just having fun laughing. I noticed Damon holding Talia's hand and I smiled. Then you got me. And Ethan. Sitting. Silently.
Ethan must've thought the same thing. He beckoned me next to him with his hand. I moved and sat next him by the window. Our shoulders and sides were touching. I could feel his breath on my neck.
I felt like I had to say something.
"Ethan...thank you." I whispered.
"For what?" He breathed.
"Making life here less horrible." I was being honest. One hundred percent.
"Thank you." He said. Which confused me.
"For what?" I asked gently.
"For making life here less miserable." He laughed. He leaned down and barely brushed his warm lips against my cheek. I blushed and he smiled.
"Truth or dare!" Someone yelled. I couldn't hold back a challenge.
"Maria, truth or dare?" I asked mischievously.
"Truth." She said prissily.
"Hmm. Is it true you've made out with every football player on this bus?" I laughed.
She looked at me fiercely,"Everyone but Carter and Ethan. But I'm thinking Ethan is next" now she was just trying to piss me off.
"Hell no!" Ethan yelled. I smiled. It was reassuring knowing he wasn't a player like that.
"Melody, truth or dare?" Maria asked.
"Dare." And everyone smiled.
"I dare you to kiss JJ. On the lips." She said evilly.
"Okay." I said. Ethan grabbed my arm in defense which surprised me. I winked at him.
I went up to JJ and everyone was silent. I leaned over, kissed my hand, and slapped him. Hard.
Everyone laughed, even JJ. But Maria didn't. She scowled.
We played for twenty or so minutes and it got boring.
Ethan and I spent the last hour whispering to eachother about little nothing's. When the bus broke down. It was eleven at night. Everyone piled outside of the bus to see what happened. I shivered in Luke's sweater and two arms came around me. It was Ethan. He was hugging me and more importantly, warming me.
"This doesn't make you uncomfortable right?" He whispered in my ear.
"No." I smiled.
His tones muscular arms held me. He stuffed his hands into my sweater pocket with mine. His calloused hands wrapped around mine.
"Ethan...just friends don't just hold hands..." I said. But I didn't want him to let go.
"I'm sorry..." He said and pulled away. But I stopped him.
"No. Eth. It's fine." I whispered back.
He wrapped his hands around mine in the pocket again.
"What if we were more than friends?" He breathed on my neck.
"What if." I replied. Once we fixed the problem and got home. Dreaming of "what if".
There was another chapter!
I have a question,
Do you guys like when I do different POVs? (Point Of Views). Or should I keep it in just Melody's story?

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