Alpha Beta Omega

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~Chapter Fifteen~

{ Alpha , Beta , Omega }

-Thanksgiving Day-


"LUKE STOP IT!" I yell even though he is right next to me, hogging the mashed potatoes.

"Nope!" He bumps me with his butt and taking another big spoonful of potatoes. I stand there impatiently until he leaves the stove so I could get my food. I sat on the couch next to Luke and my cousin Alex, whom were both pigs.

My thanksgiving was uactually going a lot better than I thought it would, dad was home, my twin cousins Alex and Lexi, Aunt Caroline, and my grandpa and grandma.

Alex and Lexi were my favorite cousins. They were both tall brunettes who were 19. Even though try we're twins, they were different. Alex was loud, obnoxious, and annoying. Lexi was calm and controlled.

Aunt Caroline was dads sister, and she was a whacko. She was this crazy redhead who was like the energizer bunny. She never shut up.

And then there was Grandpa Boyd and Grandma Anna. Who were like any typical grandparents, always had an opinion and have stupid life lessons. But they were cool.

"So Mel how is school?" Alex asked, he was always full of questions.

"It's going great." I said, my eyes glued to the football game.

"I'm so glad I'm outta there." He laughed.

We ate, laughed, talked, an watched football for a while. They say turkey makes you sleepy, so true. Lexi was sleeping in my room tonight, which I didn't mind. The only thing that bugged me was Alex with Luke across the hall, because Alex loved pranking.

Up in my room Lexi was making her bed on the floor.

"So you got a boyfriend?" She asked, fluffing her pillow.

"No. You?" I asked.

"Yeah. His name is John." She smiled, it was believable because Lexi was gorgeous.

We talked about guys and celebrities until 10:30 at night.

"I just love Ian Somerhalder." She laughed through the dark.

"Uh ew. Dylan O'Brien is where it's at." And we started laughing.

"Goodnight Mel."

"Night Lexi."


I was soundly through the night when I was awoken by a strange ripping noise. I wobbled out of bed confused.

Opening my bedroom door to walk out, I ran into something that made it hard to walk through the door. I flipped on my light switch to find clear Saran Wrap covering my doorway.

The boys put it there so I would run into it. I scowled and slammed my door, I can't believe I got up for those idiots.

Right before I was about to fall back asleep a different noise made me get up. It was a tapping from my window, I tiptoed over Lexi's snoring body and slowly opened the curtains. I about had a heart attack when I saw Eli's face in the window, I jumped back so fast I fell on my butt, inches from Lexi. He made a laughing face and tapped on the window.

I got up and cracked the window, I was not letting him in.

"What do you want creep!" I hissed through the crack.

"Let me in." He tapped again, my face flinched back like a fish in a tank when little kids tap on the glass.

"No. Go away." I said back.

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