His Eyes

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Chapter Six~
~His Eyes~
My week flew by. Classes got easier by the day and although I had a lot of homework I somehow kept up. Everyday I thought of my mom. I was doing this for her. I had to make her proud at all times.
Ethan and I talked a lot throughout the week. And hung out during our free periods. Turns out we had a lot in common. Same hobbies and what not.
The bell rung and rushed out the door to meet Ethan. Free period had become my favorite.
"Hey." His deep voice said.
"Hi." I smiled.
We walked to the library and I took in the smell of the old dusty books. It was my first time in here.
It was huge. Rows and rows of book lined every open wall. It was heaven.
"So Melody..." Ethan turned to me.
"Yeah?" I said marveling at the books.
"You wanna go to the movies tonight? A scary movie...yeah?" He smiled nervously.
Oh my god. He was asking me to the movies. A date. I couldn't breathe. This was the happiest thing that has happened to me. My mom would be giggling and talking with me about this all night.
"Of course. Do you know where I live?" I asked. Trying to hide my excitement that was about to bubble over.
"I'll pick you up at six? The movie is at nine." He smiled.
"It's a..." Should I call it a date?
"It's a friendlh date." He laughed at me.
We spent our forty-five minutes laughing and finding books with the oddest names. And for the first time since I moved here, I was content. I swear I kept finding his blue eyes trailed on mine.
"What?" I asked as he stared at me. Did I look funny?
"Nothing...haha. You're just...never mind." He smiled and went back to glancing and looking at dust.
"No no what were you going to say?" I asked. My curiosity taking over.
He took a moment and then looked at me, "You're just cute..."
I blushed and he noticed because he smiled at me and poked me in the ribs.
After school he left and I had to wait for Luke to get out of detention. Heck I'll just walk home. I sent Luke a text and made it home in about twenty minutes. It was 3:45. School got out at 3:00. But of course I wasted time waiting for Luke when I could've just walked home.
Ethan wanted to take me out for pizza before the movie. I had a few hours to get ready. And I wanted to look great. I am not really the girl to have dresses and stuff like that. I decided to put on my favorite, dark jeans that (according to Ashley) really made my butt look great. I laughed at the thought. I put on a black long sleeve shirt that hugged at my curves perfectly. My black Ugg boots and grey scarf added the perfect touch. I did a smokey eye look and my hazel eyes popped in beauty. I wasn't the most confident girl but I could admit I loved my body. I curled my blonde hair to perfection and applied lip gloss and pinned up my bangs.
My mom always had this ring on. It was silver with a sapphire engraved into it. I decided I needed the good luck of an angel. I smiled at her picture frame and went down stairs at 5:40.
"What's the occasion?" Luke asked. He was sitting on the couch watching football with dad.
"Uh just going to the movies with a few friends." I said casually. But Luke took his eyes off the game and looked me in the eye. He did his signature wink before turning back to the game.
"I'm glad your meeting new friends sweetheart. Just stay away from drugs..." My dad smiled and gave me a hug.
"I will dad." I actually called him dad. Did I have a heart?!? Oh my! Haha.
"Whose playing?" I asked killing time.
"SanFran and Baltimore." My dad said.
"Go Niners!" I said and laughed. Football actually entertained me. I played on a Pop Warner team in 8th grade. Which sounds funny but it was actually cool.
"Melody, we all know Baltimore will win." Luke said seriously.
"I bet you 10 bucks and 50 push ups the Niners will win!" I said. I used to always make bets when Luke still lived with us.
"That's a deal." He shook my hand as my ride pulled up, "hey Mel, use protection."
I glared at him and he burst into a fit of giggles like a little girl.
I walked outside and down the stairs. Ethan got out of his car and opened the passenger side for me. Gentleman.
"Thanks." I said.
In the car he smiled at me and backed out of the drive, "Anytime."
I wondered where we were going but I guess I would just have to see.
"I hope you like pizza. Oh and by the way...you look great." He smiled sweetly and I nodded in thanks.
It was this big pizza place called Leo's. it had an arcade and kids running around everywhere. It looked like a lot of fun. We ordered a small pizza and sat in the corner of the restaurant.
We ate and laughed about stupid jokes and past happenings. A little girl ran up to Ethan and smiled,
"Eeeethan! Do you have a quarters?" She asked innocently.
"No but lets fix that." He winked and told me he would be right back.
I watched as he took the girls hand and walked up to the counter. He looked close to the definition of perfection with his worn jeans and button down shirt. He stood a few inches taller than and I he was so kind with kids. He gave the girl a few dollars in quarters and she hugged him. It was the cutest thing when guys played with little kids. I smiled. He sat down,
"That's Elizabeth. She lives down the street and always plays with Grace. My sister." He said.
Ethan had two sisters. Grace, whom was seven and June who was twelve.
"Wanna play some games?" He asked with a hint of fun in his eyes. We got up and he led me to the game room.
"Ski-ball?" He asked.
"Bring it. Just a warning, I'm competitive." I laughed.
We played random games for a while And I forgot about a lot of things. Like my mom. My dad. Moving. Peyton. I forgot all my problems and just enjoyed the moment. After saying goodbye to all the little kids we left for the movies. I told Ethan I could pay for myself but he insisted otherwise.
We got in and sat at the very top. The lights were just dimming as we ate popcorn and threw it at each other. As the movie began we just watched. During it (it was a scary movie!) something popped out and I jumped. Ethan's laughter followed after.
I couldn't help but notice his hand inching toward mine. Maybe I was just imagining things.
I caught him staring at me but he didn't seem obligated to look away. His blue eyes bore into mine. Our pinkies were touching and our faces were just inches away. Neither of us were focused on the movie at all. Just each other.
A scream off the movie made me jump and Ethan laughed and unintentionally laced his fingers with mine.
I looked from our hands to his face. He mouthed "sorry" and I smiled. Suddenly I thought I saw his blue eyes flash almost white.
"Ethan...you're eyes." I said. He went wide eyes and turned away.
"Sorry...uh my contacts are all funny." He sounded alarmed and his voice went deeper than intended.
"Are you okay?" I asked worriedly.
"Yeah I uh just have to use the restroom." He stood up and speed walked out the theatre door. I couldn't focus on the movie. His hand...when I was holding it it almost started feeling weird. I was just imagining things... After a few minutes he came back in. Just as the movie was ending.
We walked to the car in silence. We drove to my house In the warmth of his car.
"Sorry about earlier..." I could tell in his voice he felt bad.
"It's okay." I said reassuringly.
When we got home he walked me to the front door.
"Goodnight Melody." He said gently.
"Goodnight." I smiled. He gave me a hug and I didn't really wanna let him go. But all good things come to an end sooner or later.
When I walked through the door dad was already in bed. I walked up the stairs and knocked on Luke's door. He opened it and let me in.
"What movie did you watch?" He asked.
"Uh The Conjuring." I said.
"Did you tell Ethan hi for me?" He laughed.
"Shut up." I blushed and he told me goodnight. Before closing the door he said,
"By the way, you owe me 50 push-ups." And I laughed and flipped him off.
There was chapter six!!!(:
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