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~Chapter Seven~
My phone read 2:47 a.m Tuesday October 15th . 15 days since my mom had passed. 15 days since I moved to Ashton. 15 days till Halloween. Time passes quickly and we tend to forget what day it is.
I woke up freaked out over a dream about my mom. A cold draft flew over me. Why was my window open? I could've sworn I closed it. I pulled myself out of the warmth of my bed and walked across the freezing floor. I leaned out the window and out to the forest. I shut the window and locked it properly.
My phone buzzed and made me jump.
Ethan :
Hey you awake? I can't sleep...
That was perfect timing. Such a coincidence it was weird.
Me :
Yeah. I can't either.
Ethan's POV ~~
I was sleeping perfectly until I woke up at 2:47 with a startle. I could hear Melody's heartbeat racing faster than lightning. As weird as it sounds. So I text her. Thankfully she replied.
Me :
Why cant you sleep?
Melody :
Bad dream...

I felt so bad about our date last week. When we held hands , when I saw her beauty in more than the movie screen light. I almost changed. She saw my eyes change. I prayed to God she didn't feel my hand. How awkward would it be for you to transform into a humongous wolf on a date?
Me :
A dream about what?
Melody : my mom...
After two weeks of spending free periods with her I knew a lot. Which made me like her even more. It was the little things,
Like her favorite color being blue , or how she wants to travel the world when she graduates. I knew what kind of books she liked , I knew that her last boyfriend just wanted to get in her pants and didn't really love her. And all this in just a matter of 15 days.
Me :
I'm sorry... how bout this, I take you out for a coffee or something after school tomorrow?
Melody :
Me :
Get some sleep Melody.
Her heartbeat slowed and I relaxed back into my pillow. I soon fell asleep. Thinking about her.
I got to school and met Melody by her locker. As usual. She was trying the lock and it wouldn't open. It made me think of her first day. I had her locker last year and I got used to having to give it a nudge. I walked up and knocked on it. It popped open and she turned to smile at me.
"Good morning." I said to her.
"Good morning." Her soft voice said happily.
We went to the cafeteria where students sat and talked obnoxiously. After a few days of knowing her, i started sitting at the same table as her and a few other students. The football team at first gave me crap about it, but then she sat with us. And that, was a show. The guys complimented her butt and stupid stuff like that. But when they brought up how girls knew nothing about football, she showed them whats up. I'm pretty sure they respected her football smarts now. Even I, was shocked she knew so much. She sat with us more often now. You could tell she liked having guy friends in a non slutty way.
Maria Gateman was the schools bitch. Excuse my language, but there's no nicer way to put it. She was popular, a cheerleader, and all the guys wanted her. I personally hated her.
Melody was about to sit down next to Andrew Meyer when Maria bumped into her shoulder. Melody looked pissed as she slammed her tray down on the table,
"Getting cozy with Meyers too huh?" Maria laughed annoyingly.
"Piss off hoe." Melody hissed. The table did that "ooooooo you got dissed" because no body messed with Maria Gateman. Ever.
Melody say back down and the guys gave her high fives and fist bumps.
"Yo Melody, that was epic." Marcus Dash said through a mouthful of muffin.
That was epic. And I think Melody was epic in general. Her smile was contagious. Her laugh reminded me of those tinkly wind chimes, it was adorable.
The day flew by fast. Thank God. The last period bell rang. I ran into Luke Montgomery in the parking lot.
"Hey Luke, you mind if I take your sis out to coffee or something?" I asked. Luke was a cool guy, unless you got on his bad side. Considering he was the quarterback for the football team.
"Nah man. I trust you. Have her back before it gets too dark." He gave me a handshake and Melody met me at my car.
"I would take you to Starbucks but I got a better place." I said. Melody laughed as we drove around town. I wanted to take her to this little coffee shop. She would love it. It was warm, cozy, and reminded me of a winter day. She ordered a Pumpkin Spice Latte and told me it was her favorite. We sat in a corner by the window in comfy leather chairs and a table. I couldn't help but notice how pretty Melody looked everyday. She didn't overdress. She wore her tan Ugg boots, faded skinny jeans, a white long sleeve shirt and a black scarf. Her blonde hair fell naturally on her shoulders as she gazed out the window.
"What are you thinking?" I asked curiously.
"You're not like other guys Ethan." She said, her hazel eyes making contact with mine.
"Is that a good thing?" I laughed.
"Yeah." She smiled.
"Make you a deal..." I smirked.
"We meet here every Tuesday. At four." I said. Hoping it was a good idea.
"Deal." She took my hand in her soft one and shook it.
We sat there for about an hour. Laughing and talking. It was perfect. We were talking about her old town when this guy I recognized as Eli who was a senior. Melody tensed up when he walked in. She stared at him. I could sense something was wrong.
"Melody?" I asked her.
"Yes?" She pulled her stare away and looked at me.
"Are you ok?" I asked slowly.
"Uh yeah. I just...never mind." She was debating whether to tell me something.
"Melody you can trust me..." She looked at me intently.
"That guy, Eli, I went on a walk and ran into him..."
I suddenly got worried,"On your property?"
"Yes. And i was alone. He told me something about my moms killer..." She whispered. The look in her eyes told me to keep quiet. I nodded and told her to call me anytime he was on their property again.
Before we walked out to the car, Eli gave me a grin that was almost evil. A deep growl almost escaped my throat.
Melody and I were just friends but if she got hurt I swear... I would kill whoever did it.
I dropped her off at her house but I was super surprised when she invited me in. Her house was just how I pictured it. Old, Victorian, and interesting. She led me up stairs to her room.
"My dad isn't home a lot so don't worry." She said. Her mood lightened from the cafe.
Her room for her personality. Twinkly lights, blue and white, I took some time and looked at all the pictures. Ranged from old birthdays and days at the lake, to football games and mud fights.
"These look so fun." I said. A little jealous, in a good way.
"Yeah. Life's too short to do nothing." She giggled.
"One day we should do fun things like this." I said. Her heartbeat rose a but. Did I gave her the butterflies she gave me?
We played Xbox for a while and then it was time for me to head home. Before I walked out her bedroom door she attacked me with a hug. I smiled hugely.
"You're pretty good at Xbox for a girl." I said softly into her hair.
"Thanks." She muffled.
I pulled away and quickly rushed to her window after a pebble or two hit it.
I pushed it open and looked around. Taking in he scent of another person. Not just a person. A wolf.
"Ethan?" Melody asked a bit frightened.
I closed her window and gave her another hug.
"Be careful Melody...and thank you for a good day." I smiled. Even though my nerves and senses were on edge. She gave me a reassuring smile and hug before I headed down stairs.
It was so tempting to stay and protect her.
But I knew.
I was the reason another werewolf was on her property. And it wasn't Eli.
Happy Thanksgiving!
I had a really long car drive to write.
Have a good Thanksgiving and please
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