It's Not Safe Here

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Chapter Five~

~Its Not Safe Here~


I put my ton of homework on my computer desk and plopped down on my bed. I literally had no motivation to even look at my history book.

I stared at my ceiling for a while and decided a walk wouldn't kill me.

A knock at my door made me groan on annoyance.

"Yes?" I said.

My dad walked in and stood before me. His hair was gelled and his suit looked brand new.

"How was your day?" He asked smiling.

"It was okay." I said honestly. Truthfully my day WAS just okay. It was long and slow, and during that whole day I was distracted by thoughts of my mother.

"Well I'll be in my office just knock if you need anything." And with that he left the room, leaving my door wide open. My biggest pet peeve.

I put on my Under Armour yoga pants, Grey Uggs, and a hoodie. I wrapped my scarf around my neck and threw my hair up in a pony tail.

"I'm going on a walk!" I yelled through the house. No one answered but I was sure my dad heard me. I walked out the back door and breathed in the crisp autumn air. I followed the little path towards the fountain and grazed my fingertips along the freezing water. I looked and saw the path went farther through the orchard of warm colored trees. A long walk wouldn't kill me.

I walked on for about an hour. Taking in the breeze that made my cheeks rosy. It was getting a little cloudy and dark but I didn't mind. I got out of school at three, laid on my bed till like four. So it was probably five.

I stopped dead in my tracks when a single apple rolled into the middle of the path in front of me. My curiosity took over and I picked it up. It was a nice red and looked pretty good. There might be an orchard near right? One bite wouldnt hurt. But remember when Snow White saw the delicious apple? Look where it went for her. I rolled it around in my hands. Written on the back in bold sharpie it read:

Take a bite. I dare you.

I dropped the apple at my feet in shock. And for some reason, the footsteps behind me told me,


I ran as fast as I could in my boots. I didn't know how long that path went. My feet crushed leaves as I ran. I turned my head to see if anyone was chasing me. Stupid me, I ran right into a solid figure and fell right on my butt. I stood up quickly and back away. It was none other than Eli.

"A girl like you shouldn't be running around in the woods. Especially alone." His smirk was mocking.

"And a creep like you should stay off others property." I said with my teeth clenched.

"Ah touché. You should probably start heading home. A rainstorm is coming." He said, taking a step closer.

"And why should I listen to you?" I asked in annoyance.

"I may be a stranger to you but we know a lot more about each other than you think." He was now right by me, I turned around.

He was breathing on my neck, "Melody, be careful out there. Trust no one. No. One."

I turned around and he was gone. I was left alone on a path. Rain began to sprinkle and it wouldn't be long before it poured.

I started walking back to the house. After about thirty minutes I was chattering and it was pouring a lot harder. I pulled my hood over my head and nuzzled my face into my scarf.

A branch snapped to my left and I stopped.

"Eli?" I stuttered.

No answer. I focused on getting home and walked a little faster.

After a while the warmth of the house made my cold cheeks burn. Dads lights were off in his office so I just went to the kitchen. I got some hot cocoa, a few slices of cold pizza, chips and cheese dip, and made my way upstairs. Good thing I was skinny and had a good metabolism. In my room I took close to boiling shower and laid on my bed in my pjs. I turned off the lights and put on Netflix.

"Ohmygod Ezra!" I said through a face full of chips. I was in the middle of a Pretty Little Liars episode when Luke walked in. He took some chips and sat in my leather swivel chair.

"How was school?" He asked and spun around.

"It was okay. But Mr.Morrow is kind of annoying." I said. My eyes glued to the TV.

"Get ready for a years worth of detention." He laughed.

"Yeah yeah. Now uh can you go away?" I asked irritably.

"My pleasure." Luke said smirking. He stole some chips and closed my door. After about 3 episodes I caught up on my History homework.

I fell asleep with thoughts of my mom.


Okay! There was another chapter. And I quite proud of it(:

So please, I love thoughts, opinions and Feedback.





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