Old Houses

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~Chapter Two~

Old Houses

The driveway lead down a dirt road and into a clearing where an old Victorian style house with burgundy redish paint stood.

Luke helped me bring all my bags and boxes inside. I marveled at the beautiful (and old) house. It was all dark wood and was two stories high. The living room had a comfy couch and recliner facing a TV and a bookshelf. The dining room had a kitchen table with a flower centerpiece. I wandered through the kitchen and Luke followed. Showing me around. The front yard was soggy from rain and trees dripped. I went through each room, my dads, who wasn't here, and a guest room. I went to open a door with a brass handle and a lock when Luke grabbed my shoulder to stop me.

"We don't go in there. Ever. It's dads office." He sounded dead serious. I nodded and walked away, I would go in one way or another. Luke showed me up the creaky wooden stairs to my bedroom. Which was across the hall from his. He pointed at the door to my room,"It's all yours. It has it's own bathroom. Oh and you might have to go to the store. We don't have any girl shampoo and stuff." Luke handed me 50 bucks and smiled before closing the door to his bedroom.

My new room wasn't too big or too small. Perfect. It had a closet, hardwood floors, and dust bunnies. The window was facing the back yard, or should I say forest. This property was big. The roof slanted downward and raindrops raced down my window. It was a bay window with a cushion good for reading. The bathroom had a shower and claw tub that I was going to LOVE later. I sighed, I was gonna have to explore later. But for now I needed to unpack and stuff. There was a bed in my room already. So I didn't need to worry about that. After taking my boxes up to my room I hopped in Luke's pickup and headed to a Wal-Mart. I didn't even know the name of this town! Remembering I probably looked bad in my sweatpants and hoodie I grabbed a cart and made a mental checklist. With my 20 and Luke's 50 I had enough money for everything I needed. I got some Shampoo and Conditioner, body wash, toothbrush, and the basics. I didn't need makeup, I already had some but I wanted some white lights. It was early October so they were bound to have Christmas stuff. Stores were always two holidays early. In all I had spent about 40 bucks. I kept the leftover money and headed home. I was never going to get used to calling this "home". Ever. By dinner time dad still wasn't home so I got curious. I knocked on Luke's door. He yelled "come in" I was pretty sure I walked in on a soon-to-be-sex-scene. Luke's shirt was slightly unbuttoned and a girl was close to him. Her hair looking wild.

"Sorry to interrupt but, where is dad?" I asked. He wasn't even my dad. Well, he was but. Gahh.

"Don't know. He's out on business trips a lot. Oh and this is Ashley" he smiled and kissed her cheek. She was a tall brunette that looked preppy. Her dark eyes and big breasts were the only things my brother was staring at. She looked my age or older. Since I was a Sophomore that would be 17 next year.

"I'm Melody. Nice to meet you." And I smiled back then left them to their make out session.

I ate a bowl of salad for dinner and by 10:00 p.m. My room was 90% complete. Since my walls were a pale sandy wood color it went good with my favorite color. Blues and teals. My bedspread was a reversible black and a light turquoise. White, twinkly Christmas lights were strung around the ceiling. A bookshelf full of books and magazines sat against the wall and my side table with my blue lamp sat next to my bed. In my bay-window I bought a cheap fuzzy blue blanket and some black throw pillows and made it look nicer. I didn't realize my bed had three built in drawers on the bottoms so it helped a lot. School started Monday. So I had all of tomorrow to buy school stuff. In my old school wouldn't be starting for another week. I hung up a load of pictures off my camera. I loved photography, I set a picture frame on my nightstand of my mom and I at the beach. A single tear ran down my face. I sat in my bay window as fresh rain splattered. A hooded figure passes by a tree and I froze in my spot. What the hell? I grabbed the aluminum baseball bat I kept by my door for emergencies like this. My only other defense was my bow. I had taken archery since 5th grade and I practiced all the time. But for me, I didn't practice for fun.

I opened my door and slid out. I cracked Luke's door to find him asleep on his bed, Ashley in his arms. I crept down the stairs very quietly trying to avoid the creaky spots. I found myself standing on the back porch, Which was very nice actually. I pulled my hood over my head and looked around. The porch light cast shadows of the wet trees.

"Hello?" I said trying not sound to loud. I took in cold breaths of air and waited a few moments. Maybe I was imagining things. Maybe I just needed sleep. I went to open the door when a "meow!" Startled me. A fluffy black ad white cat stared up at me with emerald eyes. Awe. I picked him up an read his name tag in his wet fur.

"Jasper." I read aloud. I smiled and brought him out of the rain and into the warmth of my bedroom. Jasper plopped down and snuggled up on my bed. I lied down next to him and grabbed the book I was reading off the shelf to stop thinking about that person out back. My eyes fluttered shut after one page. Words of mystery jumbled in my brain.

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