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Ella Mason was the wife of Edward Mason, an artist and a wife. She loved to draw, paint you name it, she loved it.

Edward was a major in the field of English, he loved to write, especially to his wife living in France for summer.

Ella got a once in a lifetime scholarship to an Arts school in France and when Edward found out he made her take it, though hesitant to except, Ella knew it was a once in a lifetime opportunity and couldn't simply turn it down.

Edward was happy his wife was following her dreams, but he couldn't help but feel sad to be apart from her.
As Edward continued his studies in Oxford he began to improve greatly but no matter what; he longed for his wife.

On a cold January night, Edward sat at his desk staring at a greyed photo of Ella, recalling their first date, in which this photo was taken. He sat contemplating what to write his class finale essay on but the shrill of a phone rang through his apartment.

Ella Mason died on her journey home to surprise her husband.

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