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Age 22

"I'm gonna go see If Michael will let you stay with him ok?" Calum asks Luke grabbing his car keys from his pocket,

"Ok see ya Cal. Thanks for staying."

"Of course." Calum smiles and heads out of the room.

Once he gets to Michaels house he knocks firmly on the door waiting for someone to answer.

He smiles as Qwyn opens the door.

"Calum Kennedy is here." Qwyn whispers. (Ashton's ex)

"What why? Your not friends with her right?" Calum asks.

"No. She's the one who hit Luke." Qwyn whispers again.

"SHE WHA-" Qwyn slaps her grand over Calum's mouth.

"Shh Michaels talking to her." Qwyn says lifting her hand from his mouth.

"Well you didn't have to slap my mouth." Calum sasses. "Out of all people why'd it have to be that little witch?"

"I don't know. But she's going to have to pay for Luke's hospital bills and for the damage she caused because the accident was her fault when she pulled in front of him when she wasn't supposed to even pass into that lane, that is if the court decides that the accident was her fault." Qwyn says, explaining the situation to Calum.

"How about you go back to the hospital and I'll have Michael come Down later."

"No, Luke's probably asleep and I don't want to be by myself." Calum points out.

"Fine, I'll come with you." Qwyn says and grabs the keys.

"Mikey? Come here for a minute please!" Qwyn calls to the red headed boy.

Michael comes walking into the room smiling slightly at Calum.

"I'm going down to the hospital with Calum and Luke so I'll be back in a while." Qwyn says.

"Ok bye love you." Michael says kissing her cheek as she waves and the two head out to Calum's car.

"Why did you bring your keys, if we were gonna take my car anyway?" Calum asks.

"Because Michael will use my keys and loose them so I take them away when I'm not around." Qwyn laughs

"Typical Michael."

"Eh, I love him anyway." Qwyn smiles.

"Don't we all?" Calum laughs heading back to see Luke.

They've grown up                                       {Cashton}Where stories live. Discover now