Side story 1

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Hiccup nervously tugged at the collar of his dark green button up shirt. "Will you stop fidgeting?" Astrid asked. "You look fine. Isn't that right Toothless?" Said dragon looked up from the back seat upon hearing his name and scoffed.

"I'm just a little nervous here." Hiccup said as they got out of the car which was parked in the driveway of the house Astrid grew up in. It was a lovely light blue Victorian house. The porch was decorated with cacti which caused Hiccup to raise an eyebrow as he opened the door for Toothless.

Astrid caught where he was looking and laughed. "My dad collects them and you'll be fine." Astrid assured. "They were ecstatic when I told them that you can cook for some reason." Astrid didn't see it but Hiccup shuddered as he remembered the last time Astrid made a casserole. He had a pretty good idea why her parents were so happy with the fact that he could cook. They walked up to the door with a bottle of wine in hand and a container of Hiccup's double chocolate chip cookies. Astrid rang the doorbell and they could hear some scuffling before someone shouted "I'll get it!"

The door was opened by a young blond girl with a pixie cut who Hiccup guessed was probably 15 or 16 years old. "Oh it's just you." The girl said before her eyes looked Hiccup up and down. She then shouted down the hall. "MOM, DAD, Astrid is here and she brought a hottie!!"

Astrid was mortified and jumped on the younger blond. "Is that anyway to treat your sister!" She said as she held the young girl in a headlock. "Hiccup meet Alexa, my annoying sibling, Alexa meet Hiccup my boyfriend."

Alexa waved 'Hi' to Hiccup while still in the headlock. "Let me gooooo!!" She gasped as she proceeded to poke Astrid repeatedly.

"Girls no fighting." Was said as Astrid's parents came to the door. Her mother raised her brow and both Astrid and Alexa looked sheepish. She then turned to Hiccup and smiled. "You must be Hiccup, I'm Astrid's mother, Nathaly and this is my husband George." She introduced. Hiccup shook each of their hands and handed Nathaly the wine and cookies.

"Toothless" Hiccup called. "Come greet our hosts."

Nathaly and George stuck their heads out and saw the dragon on the porch hesitantly poking a big round cactus. "Oh he's so cute!!" Nathaly gushed. "I know Astrid described him to us but he's just so cute in person!"

Toothless trotted up to Hiccup and looked at Astrid's parents with big innocent eyes. "Well come in come in." George said as he showed them to the living room. Toothless went to lie down on the fluffy carpet when Alexa yelled "MOM ASTRID WANTS TO HELP COOK!!"

"Thor no!!" Nathaly shouted before hurried footsteps sounded heading in the direction of what Hiccup assumed was the kitchen.

"It really can't be so bad right?" Hiccup asked George who snorted.

"Once Astrid made water explode." He deadpanned as he got out an album. "Come have a look at some baby pictures while we talk."

Hiccup nodded and they were laughing at the stories George told about Astrid's childhood when said person came into the living room.

"And this was in elementary. She just had to be dressed like a mad scientist for Halloween." George explained. When Astrid heard that she shouted "NOOO" before diving onto the couch trying to grab the photo album.

"Oh sweetie don't be like that." Her father laughed. "I haven't even shown Hiccup the time you blew up your High School.

"I did not blow up my High School!" Astrid defended as she tried to make another grab for the book. "I only blew up the second floor and the principal's office!"

"And you made your parents proud my little evil genius!" George now said as he pinched her cheek. Astrid had warned Hiccup that her parents might be eccentric, being retired villains and such, but this was too funny and Hiccup had to cover his mouth when Astrid started pouting.

"DAD!!!" Astrid whined as she flopped down onto the couch.

"And here is Astrid with uncle Boris and Aunt Natasha, from her mother's side. It was when she made her first raygun!!"

The doorbell rang and Astrid got up to answer it. "HAHA Helloo Astrid!" Was shouted before she was enveloped in a bone crushing hug.

"Gru.... can't breathe." She gasped.

She was set down and then looked at her cousin. "Have you gotten balder?"

"No I have not gotten balder. I'd have to have had hair for that." Gru mumbled as he rolled his eyes.

"Oh right." Astrid laughed and then she saw a lady nervously twiddling her thumbs behind Gru. "You must be Lucy." She said and greeted her before smacking her cousin in the gut.

"Well come on in." Astrid said as she led them to the living room where she introduced them to Hiccup.

"Hello" Gru said less enthusiastic. "So you're the one dating my cousin." Astrid smacked him again. "Be nice!"

"Oh wait I know you." Lucy suddenly said as Astrid's mother came from the kitchen.

"You do?" Astrid, Gru, and her parents suddenly asked.

"Oh sure. He helped us out on a few cases." Lucy explained. "Didn't think you'd become a villain."

"I'm not. I'm just retired." Hiccup said. "The villains just keep popping up around me."

"They like you." Astrid teased. "We now have monthly poker nights. Those poker nights at some point become karaoke night."

"Please don't remind me" Hiccup grumbled and then he shuddered. "I can still imagine Dr. Claw belting it out to Celine Dion songs." Toothless let out a loud whine and covered his earplates with his paws.

"That is the ugliest dog I've ever seen." Gru remarked as he looked at Toothless. Both Astrid and Lucy gave him a whack while Toothless growled at him.

"Toothless is a dragon." Astrid explained "and you shouldn't be talking about ugly dogs. Yours ate my purse the last time I came to visit."

"He just happens to like leather!" Gru reasoned before everyone heard some thumping on the roof.

"What in Thor?" Nathaly asked when three yellow things fell through the chimney and into the fireplace.

"Stuart, Bob, Kevin, what are you doing here!!" Gru yelled as he recognized them.

"What are those things?" Hiccup whispered to Astrid.

"Minions" Astrid stated and then rolled her eyes. The three dusted off the soot from the chimney and were apparently having a conversation with Gru. A conversation which consisted of weird words on their end that only Gru could understand.

With a sigh Gru turned to his aunt and uncle. "Can they stay?" He asked.

"Sure they can" Nathaly said. "I came here to tell you dinner is ready."

"YEAAAA" The three minions said excitedly as they followed Gru's aunt to the dining room.

"Well, this will be an eventful evening." Astrid laughed as one of the minions was trying to flirt with Alexa.

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