"There's my girl," I feel Justin's hands brushing around my waist, pulling me in to his chest from behind. He kisses me in the neck and I can't help but blush. 

A girl sitting next to Jaden, who looks quite similar to Kendall with her dark hair and tanned skin speaks, "Did she say yes?"

It was obvious that whoever she was, Justin had confided in her that he was going to ask me to be his girlfriend.

"Are you going to answer or should I?" He whispers in my ear as he steps next to me, taking my hand and leading me to climb in to the pool and sit on the rim where everyone was already sitting.

I follow his lead and end up sitting next to the dark haired girl that looks a lot like Kendall.

I look at her expecting eyes and smile, "I said yes," I admit while blushing. Justin squeezes my hand and gives me a peck in the cheek.

She gasps and throws her hands together in satisfaction, "Oh I'm so glad. It took you long enough Justin!"

"Took Justin long enough to do what?" Jaden frowns and looks at the girl, "Kylie what are you talking about?"

So her name was Kylie. Maybe she's related to Kendall, cousin or sister maybe?

Kylie rolls her eyes at Jaden, "It's obvious that they're together," she explains pointing to us.

Kendall laughs and walks off to other people standing at the tiki bar. 

"Wait, did everyone know about this? Why didn't you tell me you fool?" Jaden huffs when he realises that he was left out the loop.

Two other girls, one blonde and the other with corn rows, their skin opposite in color also sits at the pool as they laugh.

"Why don't we introduce Leah to some of our friends Kylie?" one of them asks.

"Jordan, you know that's a great idea. Leah why don't you come with us?" Kylie says, already dragging my hand up as she climbs out the pool effortlessly. Damn I thought I looked good in my swimsuit. Kylie's whole body looks like a advertisement from a playboy magazine. All the curves in the right places.

Justin smiles at me as I turn around being dragged towards another small crowd of people. I recognise Gigi and greet her.

Kylie introduces me to a number of their friends, names I'll hardly remember. I do remember her boyfriend, Tyga as he stands out with his tattoos, including a tattoo of Kylie's name on his body as well as having a grill over his teeth.

"I bet you saw lions and elephants and all sorts of beasts everyday back in Africa," a girl comments after a while of conversation. If I'm not mistaken I think her name is Hailey.

"Uh, not everyday," I try not to laugh. The amount of people who thought I grew up having lions as pets and walking amongst rhinos was comical. "You'd have to go on a safari or game farm of zoo or something to see them."

"Oh," she frowns, not expecting my answer. Probably thought the Big 5 roamed around in all of Africa's streets.

"Leah babe," I hear Justin call me. My heart flutters when I hear him say babe. Everyone makes 'oohs' and 'ahw' sounds.

He holds my phone in his hand, walking towards me, "Danzel Joyce is on the phone looking for you."

It's Saturday. Why would he call me on the weekend? Did I forget to do something at work?

"Hello?" I answer peculiarly, walking away from everyone to a quiet spot.

"Listen, my guys are struggling to take pictures of you. Make sure you let one slip in to the house or take selfies with everyone so we can leak them to the press to get some PR."

"What are you talking about Denzel?"

He clears his throat on the other side of the phone, "Your little visit at the Jenner house. I hear there's quite a few models and family friends there.  Make sure you get pictures taken for the publicity."

"But I'm not working?" I ask in confusion, "Wait how did you know I was even here?"

"Oh Leah come on, I have eyes and ears everywhere. People like us, like you, you don't get a weekend off when you're amongst celebrities. It's your job remember!" He sounds more agitated. 

People like me? My job? This was never part of the deal.  I didn't sign up to be a fame whore.  My job was to meet with famous clients during the week regarding book signings. Why was he making my personal social life a media thing?

"Denzel, I really don't think this is a good -"

He cuts me off, "Miss Smith, Justin already posted a picture of you in his bed announcing you're his girlfriend this morning. That's great publicity! But we have to take your image to the next level. Being seen with the Jenner's and all of their famous friends will really ensure that I don't fire you and you sit without a job. What will Justin think when he finds out you used him just for the publicity?"

Oh my. Was I being punked?

"I'm not using him for the publicity. He doesn't even want to do a book yet."

Danzel laughs and I shift around nervously, seeing Justin from afar frowning at me.

"Who do you think they'll believe? A nobody that got famous because of me? Or the managing director of HarperCollins? Do your job, before you lose more than just your precious pop singer of a boyfriend! "

He hangs up and I listen to the beep-beep of the dead line in disbelief.

Denzel Joyce just blackmailed and threatened me.

- - -

Thank you for reading!

Please vote and comment. I'm not even sure if I should carry on with the story at this stage! Is it worth it?

- euodiadem

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