XV: The Orphanage

Start from the beginning

   I barely noticed the older lady and gentleman who walked towards Harry. They both looked very kind. "So that's what the all the noise is about. Hello my darling Harry! How have you been?" The man said, walking past the children and giving Harry a hug.

   The lady followed and also gave him a hug.

  "I'm good Greg. You guys are looking good, Carmela." He hugged her back.

   And then they turned to look at me. "You must be Harry's fiancée! I am Carmela, and this is my husband Gregory." Carmela gave me her hand, and I laughed and shook it.

  "Actually, I'm his uh, friend, Katerina Wild." I introduced myself. Later following to shake Gregory's hand.

    "You can call me Greg, dear."

  "Children! I'm sure Jenna is waiting for you! Go eat, and you'll have your lessons afterwards." Carmela told the children, and they all said their goodbyes to Harry, with funny personalized handshakes.

     "Emma and Mary, you girls stay behind for a bit." He told the girls he had previously greeted.

   "See you later Miss Wild!" Some of them told me as they left, and I couldn't help the warmth that surrounded my heart.

  I love children. Although I don't have in plan to have any, nevertheless, they are the most precious, innocent souls of the world.

   "Harry! Won't you stay for lunch with us?" Greg offered.

   "Actually, I only came to personally drop some things off for the girls, and if I could speak privately with you about the next shipment. So we can arrange what we need for the next six months." He replied, smiling widely at the girls.

    A man walked inside holding two gifts. "Uh, delivery for Styles." 

    Harry excused himself and went to assist the man before returning with the two boxes. He handed one to Mary and one to Emma.

   "Oh my god! It can't be!" Emma squealed. She was bigger than Mary, perhaps fifteen or sixteen, but when she opened her box I noticed there was a violin inside.

   "Your kindness will never cease to amaze me, Harry." Carmela applauded.

   "Thank you thank you thank you!" Emma hugged him tightly, followed by Mary, who looked to be around seven. She had a doll in her hand,  doll who looked exactly like her.

   "Thank you, Harry!"

    "Kat, do you mind waiting for me while I discuss some things with Mela and Greg?" He turned to me for the first time. I was slightly taken out of my trance.

    I shook my head. "Yes, of course, take your time." I told him, and he grabbed my hand and gave it a squeeze. I felt my heart pump faster than normal.

Carmela wrapped her hands around me, and I couldn't help but miss my mother's hugs.  "It was very nice to meet you, Miss Katerina," 

    Greg squeezed my wrist. "You are very beautiful, take care of this one, Harry." He gave Harry a look, and they all walked away into the big doors of what I'm guessing is a study.

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