Hale glared at me as I walked out of the police station after grabbing my phone before I called Jax for a ride,"Hey,babe."

"Tell me where you are and I'll pick you up." he ordered, sounding a little upset. I sighed and declared,"I'm outside of the police station. I'm gonna walk, clear my head a bit. I called you to let you know that I'm okay."

"No,I'm coming to get you-" I ended the call and shook my head then started walking towards the house, not ready to go to the Clubhouse. I walked around the different blocks, watching the different people, then I heard the roar of motorcycles in the distance so I stopped, expecting my boyfriend to turn the corner, only to get the exact opposite of that. Mayans.

I took off running, knowing exactly why they was there, and pulled out my phone, taking a sharp corner in the process, then pressed the call button when I found Jax's number. He picked up after the first ring then I demanded, "Where are you?!"

"On my way, why?" he demanded. I took a chance and looked behind me then squealed when I noticed that they was gaining on me then snapped,"I have Mayans on my ass so you better hurry up and get here."

"Be there soon, don't move. Where are you?" he asked again, getting irritated. I glanced around for a street sign as I crossed into another neighborhood and chanted, "Fifth street. Oh God, they're getting closer."

"Almost there." Jax informed me, as both his and whoever he was with picked up the speed on their bikes then I skidded into an alleyway, panting as my adrenaline kicked in, then I raced towards the garage can, planning on using it to kind of scale the wall almost. What? Living in Chicago as a juvenile delinquent that did drugs and was constantly running away from the cops did have its perks. Such as learning how to scale low levels buildings and escaping certain people. But by the time that I decided how I should climb, it was too late.

One of the smaller Mayans caught up to me and snatched my ankle then yanked me to the ground, my head making a sickening crack as it slammed into the concrete. I groaned and rolled into a ball on my side then noticed that the rest of his buddies was starting to join us.

I whined softly at the sight of their faces and asked,"Great, well if it isn't the fuckheads that tortured me a while back? How are you, fellas?" The one stepped on my broken ankle while another placed a gun to my head then stated, "Listen punta, we want to see Jax and if you don't tell me where he is, I'm gonna kill you."

"Gee, that'll get you real far, pal. Haha, just kidding, no it won't. It'll get you killed instead." I declared, shrugging. I heard the roar of bikes and I grinned at the sound before I rolled myself up onto my hands and the tips of my toes then lunged towards the one holding the gun.

I caught him by surprise and managed to wrestle the firearm from his hold then cracked him across the cheek and stomped my foot across his throat, holding it there while I aimed the pistol to his bitch in crime.

"¡No muevas perras!" I shouted, not daring to take my eyes off of them. Opie and Jax approached me with their guns raised as well then they shot me a slight impressed yet confused glance before Jax screwed on the gun's silencer and pressed it to the head of the one on the ground.

"Did you really think you could get away with going after my 'ld lady?" Jax asked, running a hand through his hair. The Mayan shook his head and begun begging for his life in Spanish, while also praying for mercy from God.

"C'mon, Jax, there's been enough blood shed." Opie suggested, taking the gun from my hands. Jax raised his eyes to me and I nodded in agreement with his best friend then replied, "We'd be better off."

"If I see you two around her ever again, I won't hesitate to blow your brains out." Jax stated before the three of us walked back to the bikes then he wrapped an arm around me and asked,"So, what did Hale arrest you for? Public nudity?" I rolled my eyes at his remark then slugged him in the stomach and muttered, "Funny, smartass, but no. For murder. Turns out he has no grounds to hold me so he had to let me go."

"Whoa, little Libby, arrested for committing murder? Damn, I don't think I've had a sentence that serious before,man. I'm almost jealous." Opie teased, kissing my cheek. I shoved him away with a hardy laugh then snapped,"You guys are a bunch of asses."

"Yet you still love us."Jax practically sang in my ear. I swatted him away then grumbled, "Just take me back to the house,you dickhead. I'm tired." He chuckled and helped me onto the bike then answered his phone that was ringing in his back pocket,"Sup,Ma?"

Gemma chattered away from a few moments then Jax nodded and replied,"Yeah sure, Ma, that sounds great. Yeah, Mom, I know she needs a free night. Oh yeah, okay.Be there in fifteen." I poked him in the side and asked, "What was that about?"

"My mom wanted to know if we was free for the rest of the night. I told her that we had nothing better to do. Ope, follow me back to the house!" Jax yelled to inform us. Opie nodded to let his best friend know that he knew what he meant then shouted in return,"That was my plan, brother!" When we arrived at the house, everyone was waiting out back playing Cornhole or some other backyard game that everyone seemed to be enjoying. Half Sack and Juice was trading punches while Bobby and Chibs made hamburgers and hot dogs.

"Aye, look at our lil delinquent! She's all grown up. Come join the party, lass!" Chibs crowed, catching everyone's attention. I laughed and begun to mingle with everyone and as I did so, I felt my stomach churning with something strange that I've never felt before. I broke away from my conversation with Juice then ran to the bathroom before puking out my guts. I leaned against the cool tile lining the bathroom walls and allowed Donna to enter the small room before she asked,"Nerves?"

"It must be. My head is killing me." I half lied, struggling to come to a stand. She braced me with her hands on my shoulder and waist then she offered,"Why don't you go lay down, get some rest? I'll tell everyone that you wasn't feeling the best."

"Hey, Donna, will you bring me some crackers please? Like some saltines would work." I informed her as I curled up on the bed. She nodded and returned with my crackers in hand before she smiled softly and left me alone with my poisonous thoughts.

Ugh, I feel ya, Libs. That's all I've been dealing with for the past couple weeks but I'm struggling through it and I'd really like to finish writing Libby's first story. Again, I will be writing a sequel and this story will be coming to an end soon. Also know as in two chapters. Yeah,that's right, this story is ending in two chapters!!!! I can't believe it either!!! So, comment, vote, and yada, yada,yada. Bye and I love you all!!!!

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