Hello? I Am Talking To You!

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Still Jax's Point of View:

"Fuck." I drawled out, slamming my head against the island.

"The anxiety of waiting must be killing you." Opie mocked, settling beside me. I glared at him then muttered,"Shut the fuck up, Ope. I just wanna get this done so Libby won't have to watch over her shoulder anymore."

"At least, not like she does now." he replied, shrugging. I nodded and watched as the clock hand ticked closer to the eleven mark. We were headed out to meet the kid soon and I couldn't wait. The sooner we got the Mayans' secrets, the sooner Libby gets the pleasure of shooting Marcus Alvarez.

"Brotha, Clay wants to see you real quick." Chibs called, walking out of the Chapel. I nodded in acknowledgement then shouted back,"Be there in a sec,Chibby." I turned back to my best friend and relayed the message to him before I walked inside where my psycho step father sat at the head of the table so I join him at his left.

"You wanted to see me?" I asked, tapping my fingers on the tabletop. He shifted to stare at me then questioned,"Will you be able to handle your temper during this?" I frowned and said,"I can handle this,Clay. Don't doubt me."

"Jax, I've seen your temper in action,especially when Libby is involved. And if Mayans are involved plus Libs, it's bound to be a disaster. Promise me you'll be under control. Or so help me, Jax, I'll make sure that you won't make a run for the next month." Clay warned, stepping away from the table and out the door he went,leaving me to think alone for a few minutes.

"Jax,you okay?" Libby asked, peeking her head into the Chapel. I sighed and shrugged then replied,"I'm fine,babe, don't worry about me." She frowned and joined me at the table then stated,"You don't look fine. Is this about tonight?" I waved a hand in dismissal at her but her stern hazel eyes proved that she wasn't screwing around.

"Jackson Nathaniel Teller, don't you dare lie to me. What did he tell you?" she asked,gripping my hand. I leaned back and answered,"He said I needed to keep myself in check tonight because I can be unpredictable when it comes to you. Do you think that's true?" She shrugged and said,"You're about as unpredictable as I am when there's a situation including you. But you can handle yourself."

"Thanks,darlin'. I'll see you when we get done. I've gotta go." I said, kissing her on the lips before I joined my boys outside. Tig flashed me a grin at me then called out,"Did you tell our girl bye?" I slugged him in the shoulder and stated,"I will end your crazy ass,Tig." Everyone laughed at my warning then straddled our bikes before riding to the area where Half Sack was waiting anxiously.

"Okay, he just texted, said he'll be here in a few minutes. Just hide in the parking garage right there." he instructed, motioning to the the three floored garage. We nodded in agreement then pulled into the dark before we stood just on the edge of the dark, out of sight and watched with surprised expressions as the rat of the Mayans arrived.

He was just a kid, no older than our own little Prospect and Chibs made a noise of surprise on the back of his throat but quickly silenced himself as they begun talking,"Sup, Kip? You need something else?" Sack nodded and stated, "Yeah, sorry man. Just wanted to know if you know anything about the Sons' warehouse getting blown up and guns getting stolen?"

We all inched forward and the Mayan informed him,"Yeah, that was us."

"Those pieces of shit!" Happy growled, pulling out his gun as he loaded it. I shoved it down then hissed,"Stop. They'll get what's coming to them so don't worry." He gave a small grumble but didn't back talk as I slid out behind the kid, Half Sack's eyes sliding back towards me then I asked,"Is there anything else I need to know?"

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