My First Shift

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Okay, so here's the second official chapter. Comment, vote,and enjoy!!!

Jax's Point of View:

I heard whistles fly through the air, causing me to look up from my beer. There stood a certain little brunette that was only wearing a white and black floral lace corset and tight fitting jeans flying across the Clubhouse floor.

What in the actual fuck does this chick think she is doing?! I snapped up out of my chair before I stormed over to where Ma and Clay stood, chatting and admiring Libby's work.

"What the hell is wrong with her?! Do you see what she's wearing?" I demanded as I stopped in front of them.

"Yes, yes we do. She's wearing her uniform. It's called a corset, baby." Ma cooed, grinning at Libby, who was chatting Ope and Juice up.

"I know what it's fucking called," I roared, throwing my arms into the air, "But she's prancing around the Club like she's a crow eater! She's seventeen, Ma!"

Libby's hazel gaze snapped to attention where we stood then narrowed when she saw I was talking about her. She excused herself then stormed over to us.

"Just who the hell do you think you are?! You aren't the boss of me, that's for damn sure,." she snapped, shoving at my chest, pushing me slightly into the table. She was small but she held force. Nice... Not.

"The hell I ain't." I growled, stepping back up. She turned to Clay and Ma then said, "I'm giving him five seconds to get out of my face before I tear his eyes out and shove them down his throat."

Clay grinned at the threat and stated, "By all means, be our guest." She scoffed and muttered, "He probably fights like a girl. Not worth my time of my shift."

She turned away and I gripped her wrist then spun her back to face me.

"Don't turn away from me when I am talking to you." I snarled.

"Or what,"she mocked,"You'll slap me,Jax?" Aw, hell nah! This bitch is seriously pushing it! I felt someone grab me and pull me away before Libby visibly gritted her teeth and stormed away, over to Half Sack.

I discovered it was Chibs and Opie holding me back.

"Lemme go. I'm going to teach her not to snap at me."I growled. Chibs glanced over at Ope then chuckled and said,"And by that ya mean ya're going to pop the lass in her mouth."

"Same difference!"I exclaimed, trying to break their hold.

"There's a big difference there, Jacky boy. She's half your size." Chibs protested, keeping me back from her.

"Yea,Jax, it's stupid. Let the girl go. She's a teen, you know how they are."Op encouraged.

"This teenage girl still can hear you." Libby sang as she passed us by. Op and Chibs stepped away then said,'She's all your's,brotha."

I charged her only to feel a hand wrap around my throat and squeezed.

"Boy, I may be old, but I can still whoop your ass. Now what's this I hear you're about to pop a girl in the mouth?"Piney demanded as he stepped into my line of vision.

"Well,Piney, she's disrespectful as hell."I protested. He glared at me then demanded, "And that's a reason to backhand her?!"

"Yes,apparently it is,sir."Libby answered as she passed us. Piney grinned and stated, "She's mouthy as hell too. I like her."

She patted his back and said, "You're the first in years to like me, sir. Besides Mama and the boys at least. No one else likes me and he sure as hell hates me."

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