Bedrest? Pssh, Who Needs Bedrest?

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Chibs wasn't kidding when he said I was on bed rest. The only time that he allowed me to get up and move was if I was using the bathroom/ getting a shower. No where else. He or one of the other Sons would bring me food or something to drink.

Today, Clay was in charge of taking care of me. It wasn't often that the Reaper King was on Libby Watch because of his busy schedule of the MC life,but when he did, I loved every second of his company.

"How ya doing,kiddo?" he asked, popping his head in causing me to raise my eyes from my book. I grinned then placed the novel on the nightstand before I patted the comforter I had been hiding under for the past couple days. He plopped down beside me face first,hiding his face in the pillow and grumbled,"I nede a dfiferint jbo."

"I need to get back to my job. It's so annoying being on bedrest." I whined, punching the mattress. Clay chuckled as he turned to face me before he pointed out,"I swear you're more like my daughter than Jax is my stepson. You're like Gemma's Mini Me."

"I don't know if that's an insult or a compliment. Switch me jobs. You stay in bed, I'll do Club business. I'll be SAMCRO's Prez for a day. What do you say? I would kill to get out of this bed. I know that sounds weird that I don't want to be in bed anymore but I've been stuck in this room for the past two weeks. (That's right!!! Only a month and two weeks!) C'mon, Clay, have mercy on a poor girl."

He glanced around the room then muttered, "Jesus Christ, Libby. You drive a hard bargain. Jax,Gemma,and Chibs will have my head if I do this,kid."

"Yeah, we'll be okay. At least we can die together." Clay handed over his cut then he curled under the blanket before he grumbled, "I appoint you as Prez of SAMCRO for a day."

I pulled the cut over my arms and shrugged it onto my shoulders, pulling  it tight, unfortunately, Clay was bigger(and taller) than I was so it looked kinda funny on me but the grin on the Reaper King's face made me feel better.

I exited the room, leaving Clay to take his nap and the first person I saw was Kip. He glanced up and his blue eyes widened in surprise.

"You're supposed to be in bed!" See, I told you Chibs warned everyone that I was on bedrest.

"Relax. Me and Clay have an arrangement. I'm playing as the Prez for the day." I reassured the poor young man, pressing a finger to his pink lips. "Now, where's that rascal of a VP hiding at?"

I stalked away, dragging my casted foot behind me as I scanned the rooms for Jax. Eventually, I did indeed find him. He was chatting with Opie and Donna. Donna also had took care of me once or twice, which she got the chance. She had introduced me to Kenny and Ellie,her and Ope's kids.(dudes, I've had a shit memory this chapter, forgive me. I forgot Ellie's name)

"Libby?" Opie asked, moving towards me with a furrowed brow. A grin stretched across my face as I hugged my best friend right while Jax's blue eyes became stormy with anger.

"Aren't you supposed to be on bedrest?" Donna asked,placing a hand on my shoulder,concerned about my well-being. I laughed then spun around in a circle, showing off the cut that Clay had given me to wear for the day then boasted,"Your Prez and I traded jobs for a day. I'm your boss and he's on bedrest. So, any business that needs to be handled, you discuss it with me."

"I don't think so, you cocky little bitch!" Jax exploded but I merely rolled my eyes at his outburst then patted his cheek,"You have much to learn,young Patawan. Keep your temper in check and I shall teach you, mm?"

My Yoda impression sucked but it made Donna and Opie laugh while Jax fumed. Then he did something that I wasn't expecting him to do.

"Chibs,your patient is out of bed!" My jaw dropped open as Jax smirked victoriously when we spotted the Scotsman heading towards us, his (brown?) eyes bubbling with anger.

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