Come On,Lass. Tell Me Somethin'

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"What do you want?" Four words that couldn't have had more malice and venom seeping from the syllables and letters. (Well, I don't know... I fucking hate you can have some harsh feeling to it.)

"I'm here to tell you I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me and I feel like a pile of shit." I sighed. I knew Chibs didn't mean to sent me into a panic attack.

"Chibs,can you keep a secret?" I asked, sitting beside him. He nodded eagerly then I glanced around before I shot up and locked the door quickly. I scrambled back onto the bed then sighed before I begun explaining my situation, "Look,Chibs, everybody knows that I came from Chicago.But the truth is,my parents are from Charming. And when they were here,they got themselves into a lot of shit with the Niners and Mayans."

"When Alvarez had me kidnapped, I recognized his cut and he recognized me. He knew my mom. I look a lot like my mom... He looked at me and said that I needed to pay for my parents' stupidity."

"In Chicago, I got into a lot of trouble, drugs, gang biz, and shit like that. My family, they didn't have any idea about what I was doing and when they did, they didn't know what to do with me. So, they shunned me."

I scoffed at the ridiculous memory but I could feel the hotness of my tears boiling as I continued with my tale,"Turns out, there's no place that's good for goody two shoes teenager turned druggie. Especially in Chicago. My parents killed each other,leaving me a note that read they killed themselves to get away from me."

"When I got into the foster homes, they were all abusive. Verbally and physically. When I was fifteen, it got to the worst peak of my life. My, my foster brother, he, um, would beat on me until I'd give in."

"Give in to what,lass?" Chibs asked, grabbing my hand comfortingly as I felt the tears roll down my cheeks silently. I choked back a sob then whimpered, "He would force me into the bedroom that we shared and he would lock the door. Then, he'd stuff something in my mouth to gag me before he would rape me over and over again. While he would rape me, he would choke me then hiss,My little slut. My little whore. You won't tell anyone about anything because you don't want to die, do you? I hated it there."

"I tried telling my social worker what was going on but she didn't believe me! Probably because my foster dad at the time was the the state chief on the police force. No one would believe me. When I turned seventeen, I found something in my mom's old things about Charming and I was determined to get out of that hell hole."

"So one night, after a brutal beating and being raped several times, I couldn't take it anymore. I packed my shit up, took as much as money as I could find, then hitchhiked over to here. And the rest is history."

"Libby, I had no idea.." he trailed off but I shook my head,"No one did. Only you do now. And it made me feel a lot better. Like a weight was lifted off of me. Thank you,Chibs, for being here for me. But please, don't tell Jax. I don't know what he would do if he found out."

"Lass, I'm sorry that ever happened to ya. You're a great gal and ya deserve the best. Trust me when I say that Jacky boy is the one for ya. Maybe if ya trade war stories, you two would understand each other a lot better."

"Please don't tell Jax. I'll tell him,just not right now. I can't! It's too soon. Give me your word that you won't tell Jax." To say that I had trust issues was an understatement. The Scotsman nodded then swore,"I give you my word that he won't find out from me, love."

"Thanks Chibs. I owe you one." He chuckled and nudged me then stated, "Lets go talk with Prince of Charming so he knows neither of us are dead." He pulled me into a tight hug and we exited the room where Jax was leaning against the hall, looking worried.

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