It Was Just A Talk,Jax.

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"Clay, I have no idea what you're talking about." I lied, pulling myself to my feet.

"That's bullshit and we both know it too. You have a connection to the Mayans and I want to know how. Are you a rat? Did Alvarez send you in for inside information?" he insisted, stepping a little closer towards me.

"Jesus Christ, you think I'm a goddamn rat? I wouldn't rat SAMCRO out for anything and to think that you're accusing me of ratting to Alverez? The son of a bitch that wanted to use me as leverage against you idiots, that tortured me for days on end, and you think that I actually would sell out the people who took me in off the streets?" I demanded, stepping up to him.

If Clay wanted to do some serious damage to me,I wouldn't be able to do a goddamn thing about it and its all because of that damn cast surrounding my ankle and half my leg. He looked down at the heavy item then a smirk made its way across his face before he warned,"Tell me how Alvarez knows you besides through the Club."

I closed my eyes tight and weighed my options. I could tell the truth and hope like hell Clay wouldn't shoot me between the eyes like a rabid dog, I could kick him where the sun don't shine then bash his head in with my cast,I could lie through my teeth and hope that he's not a human lie detector, or I could run like a little bitch.

"My parents were from Charming. I guess Alvarez knew my parents. I swear to God, that's all I know!" I exclaimed, holding my hands up and out towards him. His ice blue eyes shifted and something told me that he was as convinced as I needed him to be but the thought quickly fled my mind when I felt the pressure of the barrel against my forehead.

"If I find out that you're lying, I'm going to sink three bullets inside your head." he growled. I nodded eagerly and asked,"Can we go now?"

He drove me back to the Clubhouse where everyone was waiting on their Prez to return. Clay helped me off his bike and immediately, Jax and Gemma surrounded me with worried expressions. Obviously Clay didn't have the best track record when it came to people having talks alone with him.

"You okay, baby?" Gemma asked, grabbing onto my clammy hands. I nodded but never spoke a word, all because I knew that if I tried to speak, my voice would crack and I would end up crying.

She shot an evil look to her husband before she kissed my forehead where Clay's gun had rested just minutes ago. I shivered in fear from the memory only to have Jax's heat somewhat soothe the emotion.

"What the hell did he say to you, darlin'?" my boyfriend demanded, pulling me close. I swallowed the lump in my throat, forcing it down further into my stomach, and answered, "It was just a talk, Jax."

He kissed me softly then stated, "I've gotta work on my bike but I'll be just a few feet away." He turned away and immediately, I went in search for Chibs, knowing he was the only one who would understand what Clay just put me through. I need to see if I should tell Jax the truth of my past.

Jax's Point of View:

"What the fuck did you tell her?" I demanded, storming into the private room where we held Church.

"That's none of your business. Even it was, I didn't tell her anything. We just talked." Clay replied without meeting my eyes.

"Bullshit!" I roared, slamming a fist on the table. "When my girlfriend hardly says a word to me after a talk with you,I know you've done something or said something to her."

"Enough! Clay, you leave that girl alone! She didn't do anything to this Club and she saved all of the Sons' asses." Gemma warned, glaring at my stepfather.

I exited the Church only to have Chibs stop me on my way to find Libby.

"Jacky Boy. I need to see you and Libby. It's important." he explained quickly, pulling me towards my dorm. I rushed inside the room to see Libby curled into a ball,tears streaked down her face.

"Libby?!" I barked, rushing over to her. I heard the quiet click of the door shutting but ignored it as I checked over my girlfriend.

"Jax, I think its time you knew the truth." she whimpered, pulling herself up so she could sit. I frowned, my thoughts turning for the worst, but I let her continue.

"My parents ran drugs for both the Mayans and Niners. At first, they did good. Made great money, didn't get caught by either gangs. That was before my dad had slipped up and made a deal with a Mayan for coke that was being sold by the Niners. Both Clubs found out and lost their shit, started hunting down my mom and dad. In fear, they packed up me and my cousin and took us to Chicago."

"That's where I got into drugs and started failing all my classes. The world fell around me after my parents killed themselves, saying I was a failure to them. I got stuck in foster homes."

"And that's how I ended up back in Charming. I needed a fresh start and I figured this was the place that I could catch that break. I mean, I met you and all the guys. I met Gemma who's my savior." Libby stopped talking then turned to me with a puzzled expression on her face.

"Jax, what's wrong? Please don't be mad, I just didn't want to killed all because of my parents' stupidity." she begged, gripping my hand in worry. I tugged her into me then whispered,"I could never be mad about that. Just don't hide anything from me, Libs. I can't handle it and I need to know everything so nothing goes wrong."

She nodded in understanding then turned back to Chibs before she announced,"I'm eighteen as of a few days ago."

He swept her into his arms and chatted with her as I begun plotting on my genius plan.

A few days later, Libby's POV:

I entered the Clubhouse from the grocery store before I realized the lights were off. I dropped the bags on the bar top then pulled the Glock that Chibs had given me for my birthday before I went in search for a familiar face, only to have someone place their hands over my eyes and whisper, "Calm down and put the gun down. I want you to see this."

I lowered the gun and muttered, "You almost got shot,you stupid idiot." My boyfriend chuckled then replied,"I would've gotten revenge."

"Yeah, okay,pal." He led me outside before removing his hands, revealing a giant party and several people who shouted, "Happy birthday, Reaper Princess!"

I grinned then smacked Jax on the arm and exclaimed,"I told you no parties!"

"Huh, you did? Gee,I guess it didn't register." he chuckled, kissing my head. I mingled with the different Sons then chatted with everyone, thanking them for it all.

At the end of the night, I found Jax then pulled him to the side before hugging him tight.

"Thanks, you pain in the ass. For everything." I grinned. He laughed and stated,"You're welcome." Jax pulled me away from the party and into the dorm before things became heated.

Yep, nope, I can't write anymore on this chapter and I would write more on this one,but I really wanted to update so here it is!!

Tell  It To The Crows(a Sons of Anarchy)On viuen les histories. Descobreix ara