Stupid Blond MC Hitler

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Heat. Too... much... heat... I struggled against Jax as his body temperature begun to suffer me then slumped against him, sighing with defeat before I poked him on the cheek, causing him to let out a hiss.

"What are you, a snake? Move your big booty off of me, Teller." I grumbled, pushing him away. He tucked his head under the pillow as if he never heard my command before I reigned back and elbowed him in the ribs.

"Son of a fucking bitch!" he roared as he hit the ground, barely missing the corner of the nightstand. "What the hell was that for?"

"You were suffocating me with your body,both size and temperature." I stated simply, looming over the edge with a devilish grin. He returned my smile before I was suddenly tugged off the mattress and now, under Jax with his blond hair acting as a small curtain for our own private show.

"You're so cute." He chuckled at my stupid compliment then brushed his lips across my jaw and murmured, "You're sexy."

I scoffed and rolled my eyes before stating, "Right. And you still wonder why the entire Club has you dubbed as the All-American-Idiot." He jerked his head back in surprise before his blue eyes narrowed and he demanded,"Is that really what they call me?"

I smirked and lifted a shoulder in a half shrug which aggravated him and he begun to push himself off of me when I laughed then pulled him back, wrapping my legs around his lean waist. They really did have him dubbed as that.

"You're so easy to pick on." I teased, kissing his nose. He frowned at my "joke" then muttered,"It wasn't very funny."

"It was to me." I protested, grinning. He rolled his eyes and kissed my temple than declared,"You think everything is funny."

"I so do not. I just think what the guys call you is quite comical. My personal favorite is the Blond MC Hitler."

"Okay, that one I really think you made that one up."he declared, pursing his lips into a prissy expression that a stereotypical high school teenager would use twenty -four-seven. I laughed then shook my head before pulling my idiot to my lips.

Someone banged on the door, causing Jax to let out an annoyed growl. I pushed him off then walked to the entrance of the room, opening the door to reveal our intruder,Tig, who then proceeded to say,"Hey, Libby, have you seen Jax lately? He wasn't in the spare dorm and he wasn't at his house."

His blue eyes wondered inside my room only to land on Jax who, need I remind you, was only wearing a pair of boxers, then they widened in surprise.

"Tig Trager, have you made it your life goal to cockblock me every chance you get?" I demanded, tilting my hip against the doorway. He shook his head rapidly back and forth, clearly unable to explain himself, let alone speak a coherent word.

"What do you want, Tig?" Jax sighed as he wrapped his arms around my waist. The curly haired man's eyes wondered down to where Jax was holding me and he stuttered, "G-Gemma's looking for you both. And once you're done there, Clay wants you."

I sighed and my head drooped down in disappointment then he grumbled, "No one wants us together apparently. If this happens again, it'll confirm it." We joined Gemma in the office with Tig following us like an puppy.

"Morning, babies. Tig, did you break them up from a full out fist fight again?" Gemma asked, turning from the filing cabinet.

"No. He didn't. But he did interrupt a heart to heart. Apparently I'm the All-American-Idiot and the MC Blond Hitler." Jax grumbled, leaning against the door. Tig snickered under his breath as he snuck a high five to me.

The corners of Gemma's lips twitched upwards as she fought against her smile then she asked,"Whats the deal with your bipolar asses? You two aren't very useful to me or the Club for that matter so I wanna be the first to know if you guys are cool again."

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