Why Isn't This Size Nine Converse Up Your Ass Yet

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Five Days Later:

When I woke,I just so happened to have a pounding headache and my tattoo ached. I shot up and ran my hands down my body. I turned to see Jax hiding his face in his pillow, avoiding from the light and I smiled softly at the sight of my boyfriend ducking under a pillow.

"Morning,Sunshine!" I chirped, throwing the covers off the both of us,causing him to groan and scamper for our blanket.

"No,gimme the blanket,Libs! I'm cold." he complained, waving his arm out blindly for the cotton material. I shook my head then said,"Nope! Time to get up, get up, get up!" He sighed then muttered something to himself before he rolled out of bed and pulled on a shirt.

"There. I'm up and dressed,so ha! Happy now?" he asked, crossing his arms over his chest. I crinkled my nose at his appearance then stated,"Nope. We need a shower." He chuckled and rolled his eyes but walked to the bathroom without a complaint

"That's what I thought." I mumbled to myself with a laugh. My phone buzzed on the nightstand as I made my way towards the dresser so I paused and picked up the device, answering the call,"Hello?"

"Libby, hey. What are you doing today?" Donna's voice rang back, causing my eyebrows to bounce upwards for a split second but I smiled and replied,"Nothing really, since its Sunday and the garage is closed."

"Oh,great! Well, I'm taking the kids to the park for a surprise picnic and since Opie is busy helping Jax move stuff into his house, would you like to tag along with us then?" I thought about the offer and agreed to go with the family just as Jax returned from the bathroom with a questioning glance in his eyes.

I ended the calling after thanking her for inviting me then turned to Jax who asked,"Who was that?"

"Donna." I replied, grabbing a towel, "She invited me on a picnic with her,Ellie,and Kenny at the park since Ope is helping you move some stuff today." He nodded and declared,"Right, sorry, baby, I totally spaced out. Ope and Donna has some old stuff in their shed that they need to get out but they don't want to get rid of it so I told them that I'd put some stuff in my storage unit and in the house."

"Its okay,Jax. We've been busy with everything. You guys go get some dude time in together and me and Donna will have some girl time." I assured him,smiling. He nodded and I slid past him into the bathroom, shutting the door softly behind me. I got in the shower and let out a small hiss as the water spurt in the direction of my tattoo before it soothed the burn of the pain.

I wrapped myself in the towel in record time when I heard Jax opening the bathroom door. No peekies at the tat,Jackson!!!

"Hey,baby,I've gotta go." he announced as I turned and faced him before kissing his lips softly then stated," I'll see you later then." He nodded and left,leaving me to dress in peace. I decided on a peach strapless dress with my leather jacket and some wool leggings to keep me warm.

I pulled on my shoes and walked out of the Clubhouse, telling Gemma and the boys I'd see them later. Then I realized that I had no idea which park I was going to and I had no way there.

"Hey,darling,you're looking a little lost." Jax chuckled as he wrapped an arm around my waist. I shrugged then murmured, "I'll just text Donna and see if she can pick me." He shook his head and stated "Nah, have no fear. I'll take you down to Charming Park. Opie told me to meet him there anyways. He wanted to spend a little time with the kids before we took off."

"Okay." I agreed, climbing on the back of the bike. He grabbed my hand with his own then brought up to his mouth with a soft kiss before starting the bike. We drove off and I pressed my cheek to his back, listening to his rapid heartbeat with a smile stretched across my face.

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