So Will You

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I was under a car that Opie had brought in for me to work on for a spare time project and I've had a lot of spare time lately in the last six weeks. It was a beautiful blue 1967 Chevy Nova and it was due for a paint job.

"Hey, Libby,how's the car coming along?" Opie asked, sitting beside the front tire, closest to where I was laying. I laughed then exclaimed,"Beautifully! God, Ope, where has this gorgeous girl been all my life? Holed up in a storage unit?"

"Yeah,pretty much. Say, do you have a car yet,Libs?" I shook my head then remembered that he couldn't see me before I replied, "No, just can't seem to find a reasonably priced car for me. It sucks, because I'm constantly bumming people for rides."

"You really like this car,huh?" I nodded and proceeded to answer once I remembered that he still couldn't see me,"Absolutely. Its freaking awesome. Needs a paint job though." He laughed and pulled me out from under the car then declared,"Its yours,dork. Thanks for insulting my baby's paint job too. I've had her since my high school era."

"You make it sound like you've been around for thousands of years,Ope." I joked,nudging him. He rolled his eyes but played along with my joke,"Your true age is the age of your soul."

"And now you're a fortune cookie. Congratulations. You got promoted!" I cheered with a laugh. He laughed alongside of me when I realized that Jax had been watching us from Gemma's office door, with a grin across his face. I winked and waved to him then turned back to my conversation with Opie.

"So, what color do you want it redone in then?" I shrugged then answered, "Well, the car body itself screams badass, so black of course!" He laughed with me then I realized a third person's chuckle had joined us. Jax.

"Duh,Ope, I mean, c'mon its one of the most badass cars known to all vehicles." Jax added, winking at his brother in crime. Opie rolled his eyes but smiled before he replied, "Alright, alright smartass. Point taken."

"I got your back, babe." Jax assured me, pulling me to him by my waist like normal. I nodded and kissed his beard roughened chin then asked,"Do we have black paint so I can go ahead and paint Jade." The boys raised their eyebrows and in unison, questioned,"Who the hell is Jade?"

I gasped dramatically  then wrapped my arms around my car's hood the best I could then hissed,"How dare you! Jade is right here, you morons!" They shared a laugh, then informed me there was some paint over in the corner along with a spray gun. I walked over and crouched down to grab the items I needed, then went to stand back up to see Tig in my way.

"Hey,doll." he greeted,grinning. I laughed nervously and sidestepped him then replied, "Hey indeed,Tiggy. Whatcha need?" He shrugged then stated, "Nothin' much, just wanted to say hey." I nodded and started walking past him before I said, "Well,hey. I've gotta go paint a car." He nodded much like I did just a few seconds ago then I scurried back to Jax and Opie who was totally oblivious to Tig and I's encounter,which saved me an interrogation from the guys.

"So, when do you want to get started on her?" Opie and Jax asked in unison, turning to me with eyebrows raised. I shrugged and handed them each a piece of a sandpaper before I stated,"Let's get down to business." (To defeat the Huns!)

We sanded the car down to the silver of the fiber glass metal before I grabbed a mask and loaded my spray gun with paint then got to work. With all the work that we did, including the paint job, it took a total of seven hours for us to finish it.

I opened the door and slid inside, before cranking the engine awake, bringing my baby to life with a purr. I grinned then pushed down on the gas pedal before turning her off once again. Jax peeked inside the car then asked,"Do you got a sec to talk,darlin'?" I nodded and hopped out then replied,"Well yeah,you just gotta follow me into my room."

He drug his shoe in the old paint then murmured,"That's kinda what I wanted to talk to you about." I nodded but didn't acknowledge it because I was already heading to the dorm to change out of my paint covered clothes.

"Do you ever get tired of sleeping here, all alone when I go home?" Jax asked bluntly, leaning against the doorway with a deadpan expression taunting me. I shrugged and stated,"Some nights, especially when I can't sleep. Then other nights I'm just tossing and turning in my sleep. So, yeah,you could say I get lonely. But,the guys keep me company when they don't have croweaters amusing them. Why are you asking?"

He pushed away from the door and tugged me to him before he asked,"If I asked you to move in with me, what would you tell me?" I shrugged and questioned in return,"Hypothetically or in real life?"

"Lemme hear both."

"Hypothetically, I'd probably tell you that you're crazy." His face sunk but returned to his serious face,"And in real life?"

"I would tell you that I'd be thrilled to share a house with you."

"And what about sharing a bed with me, every night?" He pushed. I frowned, confused about the topic, before I asked, "What's this about,Jax? You're scaring me." He sighed and inquired,"Just,would you? Would you feel comfortable sharing a bed with me every night?"

I went silent and played with my shirt hem then mumbled,"I don't know. I've never thought about that." He nodded then stated,"Its okay. But,would you move in with me? I know its a little soon, and we've only been dating a few months, but I feel like I'm- I feel like we're ready for this step, baby girl."


"Never mind. I never should've asked you. I'm sorry." he ranted, running his hands through his hair. My eyebrow rose and I couldn't help but giggle then protest,"Jax, let me finish!!" He fell silent and flopped down on the bed like an obedient pup then I stated,"I'd be honored to share a house with you. Just, I'm not so sure about sharing a bed with you every night."

He nodded and pulled me into a rib cracking hug(literally, my ribs made a cracking sound. That's how tight he had me.) before he chirped,"Great. I'll see if Opie will help you pack and move your stuff -"

"Jax, I literally have a drawer of clothes and a backpack full of my parents' items. I don't think we're gonna need much help." He gave a sheepish laugh then replied, "Oh. Yeah. Duh,I knew that one, I just wanted to make sure you knew that." I face palmed and gave a laugh before I kissed him on the cheek and informed him that I was going to "pack".

Jax's Point of View:

Right after Libby left the room to grab a bag to pack her stuff, I called Half Sack, Juice,and Opie who was waiting on my call then barked,"Do it now. Make sure he doesn't have a cut on. Might as well start it up now."

"You got it,boss." Opie mocked before ending the call,signaling that the plan was now in motion. This was going to be a very long day.

I know I've had a very long day, that's for sure. I had my very first bowling meet and my three bowlers was freaking out. Kinda wanted to smack the fear out of them. But hey,they got over their jitters for the most part. *shrugs* On the bright side,I updated! Yay! Hugs and kisses for my patient readers!! Quick question, how did you find out about this story? Well, comments and votes are welcomed!!

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