Jax Doesn't Like Our Relationship?

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Aw,I know. This chapter name sounds really bad and trust me, you'll probably be really mad at me after this chapter (comment all your protests, but I'll be right about this subject) but remember, everything bad that happens, happens for a reason!!! I swear it does!!

"Libby? Can we talk?" Gemma asked, leaning out of her office. I glanced up from where I was working on an old Ford Ranger then nodded, wiping my hands on my wash cloth before I joined her inside the small makeshift office.

"Go on and sit. It's just gonna be a quick chatter,and you're not going to like it much." she warned, sinking back into her chair as she studied my clearly worried expression.

"Are you and Jax dating?" The question hit me like a ton of bricks. Lately, since my run in with that croweater, it's been a little tense on Jax's end which was beyond unsettling for me. My eyes fluttered shut and I sighed with discomfort then muttered,"Yeah, we are. What gave us away?"

"He's been watching you all day. Its getting a little annoying, considering he's supposed me to be working." I glanced out the side window where there was a clear view of my boyfriend who was staring into the office with a vicious glare then I noticed that Opie looked also extremely annoyed with his best friend.

Guilt settled my stomach then I ducked my head before I muttered,"I'll go tell him to get back to work." She smiled and kissed my cheek then declared, "Just remember,baby. If he's your's, you've gotta make sure everybody knows it too."

Her advice sunk deep inside my mind and I knew she was right but I didn't know how to clarify that Jax and I was an item.

"Oh,and Libby?" Gemma chirped, turning to me,her eyes narrowed at me which sent chills down my back. I nodded slowly before she said,"You've gotta come clean. It'll be the best for everybody. Especially for you and this relationship you're starting with my son."

Those words echoed through my mind as I begun plotting as I grew closer to Jax and Opie who was studying my every move before I leaped onto the car hood.

Jax went to yell at me for the jump, only to have me grip his blonde hair and pull him to me, crushing our lips together in a seering hot kiss with tongues lashing against each other in a fight for dominance. He groaned then slid his hands underneath my thighs and lifted, his muscles straining deliciously against my sides before he carried me through the Clubhouse, never breaking the breathtaking kiss.

He tossed me on the bed, tearing our kids apart before he panted, "What the fuck was that for?"

"Gemma needs your head back in the game so I figured I could help you clear your mind." He groaned, his head dropping before he whined, "This can't happen." I sat up, confused then asked, "What can't happen? What the hell do you mean? For fuck's sake, Jax, it was a kiss."

"Yeah, but kissing leads to making out and making out leads to sex. And we can't have sex." he explained, turning away from me. I frowned and rolled off the bed before I grabbed his shoulder and asked, "So no kissing? At all in this damn relationship?"

"Yes! We can't kiss. We can't touch. We cannot be near each other. It just can't happen!" he shouted, causing me to jump back in fear. He stopped, noticing my retraction, before he let his head fall into his hands then tugged on his hair in frustration.

"Is there something I'm missing here, Jax? Because if there is, then please enlighten me since I'm obviously clueless. I don't get it-"

"We shouldn't be together! That's what I'm trying to tell you! I can't touch you, I can't be near you without wanting to rip your clothes off,bend you over a counter, and fuck you senseless." My mouth went dry at his confession and he noticed the sudden change in my posture then protested, "No. Libby, don't you dare give me those Fuck Me eyes."

"W-What are you talking about?" He groaned then turned away from me before he mumbled, "Ugh, your fucking innocence makes it even worse!" Jax gripped my cheeks then his stunning blue eyes made their way up and down my body before he growled and pushed himself away from me and he mumbled, "Get out. I can't do this. Just go."


"Just fucking go! Can't you see that I don't like this relationship? I don't want it! I just want a quick fuck and nothing more! But you can't even give that to me. You're fucking worthless to me!" he screamed, waving his hands around like a mad man.

I jerked back and ran from the room, shoving my way through all of the people in the Clubhouse only to run into Opie. He grabbed my upper arms when I tried fighting away from him then demanded,'What the hell just happened? "

I couldn't do anything but babble with incoherent words falling out of my mouth at a rapid pace while I cried my eyes out. Opie placed a hand over my mouth then picked me up and carried me outside before driving us to what I assumed was his house.

He opened the door after helping me up the stairs and hollered, "Honey, I'm home and we have company." Donna exited the kitchen, wiping her hands on a dish towel before she gasped and hurried over to us then exclaimed, "What happened?! Libby,are you okay?"

I buried my face in my hands and sobbed, shaking my head rapidly before wailed,"He broke up with me! Called me worthless and he said he wanted nothing to do with me. He said he just wanted a quick fuck!"

Opie's fist clenched and I could hear him kiss Donna before the door slammed shut, leaving me alone with his wife who informed me she was going to make me something to drink.

Opie's Point of View (cause I'm a slut for Ope.)

I stormed into the garage, seeking out my best friend before I spotted him chatting with Tig. I stalked over to him, fuming before I hauled back and slugged him dead in the teeth. He fell into a car, his mouth gushing with blood, then spat,"What the fuck was that for?"

"You told her that you just wanted a quick fuck out of her?" I snarled as Tig raced off to get help. Jax sighed and spit out the blood in his mouth then barked, "I don't think that's any of your business."

"Fuck that bullshit! It is my business, especially since I had to take her back to my place so Donna could help her stop crying. Fix it or you'll regret it." I growled. The next thing I knew, fists were flying in from all directions and the gloves were off.

He caught me with a right hook, causing me to stumble back but I retaliated and slammed his head into the counter. Several people grabbed us and pulled apart, shouting at us to stop the fighting.

We were evenly matched but the difference was Jax had a worse temper than I did. Clay had drug us into Church then snapped, "I don't know what the fuck has crawled up your stupid asses but I don't give a damn. Pull yourselves together. What's this over, anyways?"

"He told Libby that she was worthless to him and all he wanted from her was a quick fuck." Gemma declared as she entered the room,holding up her phone. Jax and I frowned at the sight of her cell as she slid it over to Clay then declared, "She's on the phone. Just ask her about it."

Our Prez pressed the phone to his ear then begun speaking to Libby, nodding along as she told the story of what made us fight before he explained that he would deal with it. He turned to Jax after ending the call then declared,"You'll fix this. I don't care how you do it,but you will fix this. She's an amazing girl and you didn't mean the shit that you told her."

See? I told you that it was going to be bad. But hey, I updated!

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