A D A P T~Vkook

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A one-shot in which Jungkook tries his best.

"Don't you just love the snow? It covers the ground in a thick woolly blanket like a mother would to her newborn. Can't you feel it? Although it's cold outside you can feel the warmth."

Jungkook listens carefully as his friend speaks. The words that leave from his lips drip with detail. It feels as if all he can hear are Taehyung's wonderful words. Each second that goes by paints a new picture in his head.

"Hey," A light shove brings him back to earth. He closes his eyes again but the wonderful wonderland has disappeared. "Did I really bore you to sleep?"

His eyes open again. Now all he sees is the faded yellow color of the school bus, the expectant face of the bus driver, and Taehyung's red nose. He leans over to wrap another layer of scarf over his face before grabbing his backpack. "Come on. Tae,"

"I don't want to."


The beeping horn of the bus driver reminds Jungkook that someone is waiting for them. He sighs before waving the bus driver to continue his route. "So let's walk then."

The snow crunches under their feet as they walk the long way to their block. As they walk, Jungkook notices his friend stops a lot more than usual. "Come on Tae, I'm freezing out here, don't you want to get home?"

"You know I don't."

Of course, he doesn't, what a stupid question to ask. Taehyung would rather be anywhere but his house. "Then you can come to my house, how does that sound?" Although he can't see his face, the slight nod of his head indicates he's ready to go. They walk the distance in light silence. The only sound is from Taehyung humming Spirits.

"You walked!?" It's Jungkooks grandmother, who kisses both of their heads before going to make them tea.

As they remove the layers of coats and jackets Jungkook can't help but stare. Taehyung's cheeks have hollowed unnaturally, making him look almost sick. As he lifts a sweater over his head, Jungkook catches a glimpse of his bony stomach.

Without much thought, he speaks before he realized he spoke. "Are you starving yourself?"

"Maybe I am."

The short old woman comes back before he can reply. She sets down a tray with tea and banana muffins. "You boys may be teenagers, but you're never too old for a good lecture."

After the quite lengthy lecture about why you shouldn't walk home in a 'blizzard', the boys are sent to Jungkooks room. Upon arrival, Jungkook happily snuggles under the warm covers.

He opens his eyes to find Taehyung watching him. Moving the covers slightly, he gestures for the shorter boy to follow. "No thank you," It's the response he was expecting. "See you later." Before he can stop him, Taehyung is already out the door.

"Where were you?" Taehyung ignores his mother as he sets his coat on the hanger. "I've made hot chocolate, would you like some?"

"I'm allergic to chocolate." That's all he says before going to the bathroom.

As the door closes, he takes a deep breath. Turning the lights off, the room has suddenly turned as black as the hole in his stomach. He lights a few candles before stripping off his clothes.

As the water runs he sings a few lyrics of songs that come to mind. "Does a new face come with a warranty? Will a pretty face make it better?"

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