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Jimin walk around the library carefully searching for his best friend. He spotted Yoongi in the far back probably doing homework. Before he could say anything Yoongi glanced up with a huge smile on his face before patting the seat next to him.

Jimin took the seat, noticing how the older boy scooted closer to him. Cute shoes," Yoongi complimented.

Jimin frowned slightly, knowing the complement was out of politeness. There's no way Yoongi thought old worn out shoes were cute. He smiled anyway thanking him. Suddenly a question popped into his head. "Hey Yoongi," He began, fiddling with his backpack strap. The other boy hummed in response. "Have you ever been on, like a date?"

Yoongi's eyes flickered to Jimin's then back at his math book. "No," His voice was a little higher making him clear his throat. "Why do you ask?"

"I just needed advice."

"Oh?" Yoongi seemed interesting suddenly, turning fully in front of Jimin. "You 're going on a date?"

Jimin nodded slightly, blushing.

Yoongi tilted his head. "With who? Is it someone, I know?"

"N-no, he goes to a university..." He trailed off, not knowing how Yoongi would react.

The mint haired boy's eye widened in shock. "That mean he's like so much older than you. He could be secretly married, or worse, Jimin he could have a kid." Yoongi shook his head standing up quickly. "Wait, did you say he? Jimin I didn't know you were gay!"

Jimin cringed at the word. "I-"

Yoongi started grabbing his books and stuffing them in his backpack. "I can't believe I was going to friends with you," His voice dropped into a serious tone. "You know you can't be gay." Without another word, he left the library leaving Jimin sitting there with tears in his eyes.

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