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Final Part

It only takes about thirty minutes to arrive at the huge building. Just as he requested, I left Tae at 'home'. To be honest I think I'm a little late because of all the extra time I spent with him. As I walked through the front doors, the uneasy feeling gets stronger. It felt like a cloud of misfortune was hanging over my head.

By the time I'm almost to Chance's office, the frown on my face as deepened and I'm second guessing showing up. Pushing the door open I'm greeted with a rather distressed looking Chanhee.

As the door clicks close he lifts his head from the desk. Dried tears are stuck to his face along with fresh ones. His hair is sticking up in random places but he doesn't bother fixing it.

"I-I'm so sorry Jimin. So very, very sorr-" His voice breaks as he starts crying again.

Rushing to his side, I rub circles in his back but that just makes him cry harder. "Chanhee, what's wrong? Is it work or something you invented or....?"

He shakes his head, letting out sobs. "At first it was just some urgent paperwork but then...Namjoon told me the news."

"What news, did something not go well between you too?"

"Oh Jimin," He wipes his tears with his sleeves before pulling me toward the floor so I can look up at him. "It's not about me, it's about you. It's about Tae."

I chuckle as I wipe the rest of his tears. "Don't worry Chanhee, he already told me. I know all the goals that have to be met before the deadline. It's going to take a lot of work but I know he can do it. I believe in him greatly, don't you?"

"Of course I do but,-"

"And you know, he told me he loved me this morning. At first, I just cried but then I said it back, can you believe that? I was scared of falling but once I fell it didn't hurt as much."

He smiled a genuinely happy smile at me. "That's so beautiful, I'm so proud of you."

"Thank you. So you see, there's no need for you to cry, we'll figure it out one day. I hope sooner than-"

"But you're not listening to me. Namjoon told me about his entire plot this morning. Yesterday I was just upset about those papers and didn't want to embarrass you in front of Tae but...this is different."

"Well, what did he tell you?" I rushed out. My hands began to feel sweaty as that uneasy feeling came back again.

"You know Namjoon said all this stuff about Tae being the first human-like robot and all that? Well, that part was true, just not the rest of it."

"The rest?"

"You see, it's not Tae who was being tested but it was you. Does that make sense? Let me try again. Namjoon basically said the experiment was actually just to see how a human would react to unrequited love. If it makes you feel any better he mentioned you passed."

He continued to talk and even laughed a few times but I wasn't paying any attention. In fact, I think my body was still there but my mind had long traveled back to Tae.

At first, my brain was digging through everything Namjoon said and how real and true it felt. Never did I believe something like this could possibly happen. It seems out of order, something not meant for me.

Then I thought about everything I did with Tae. Thinking about it, it still feels like all I was doing was teaching him just as I was told. But then again, if what Chanhee is saying is true then that means Tae was just programmed to go along with what I was saying.

His personality, the way he was built, was all sculpted to go with the fragile soft looking sweet boy he was meant to be. There was never a moment when he actually needed me for anything. He already knew it all.

My chest hurts as I realized how easily I fell into this trap. How stupid I must be to actually begin to think about a life with him. With a robot.

I stand,  interrupting whatever Chanhee was talking about and excused myself. I needed a few minutes, maybe an hour, to cry in my car.

"It's not much, but you won't have to stay here for long. When your real office is finished, you'll be moved there."

I thanked the orange haired man again before he left. Placing the first of many boxes on the floor I take in the small space. It reminds me of my old apartment before I moved here with my best friend.

Speaking of, he comes peaking in the room carrying a stack of boxes. "Did you know there was an elevator?" He sets the boxes next to the door before letting out a deep breath. "I didn't."

"That's because when I was telling you about it, you weren't listening. Now let's go, the meter is running."

He rolled his eyes but followed me out the door anyway. "I liked it better when I was the boss of you."

"Oh Chanhee, this way is much better."

Throughout the day we spend time unpacking all my things and taking small pizza breaks. By midnight half of the boxes are gone and only a few personal things are left.

As I'm putting all my folders in alphabetical order Chanhee gasps loudly startling me. I look up to see what he was looking at and gasps too.

In the doorway is a fairly short boy with dirty blonde hair, plump pink lips, and an innocent smile. He's also holding a pie. "Hi, my office is next to yours so I'd thought I'd introduce myself. Not next to this office by the way, but your other office."

He trips over his words so adorable it makes my heart ache. "A sense od Deja Vu flashes right before my eyes.

"I'm Kim Taehyung, I brought pie." He holds out his hands but I don't move.

Chanhee stands and takes the steaming thing from his hands. Thank you, Jimin's just shocked about something he'll talk to you later." The boy, Taehyung of all names, nods and waves us a goodbye. When he's out of earshot Chanhee turns to me with the same expression I feel. "No way!"


"He rigged it."

"Damn right he did."

Chanhee shivers, setting the pie on my table. "So when Namjoon said it was human based he really meant it. And of course, he put you right next to the same person he got the DNA from!" He shakes his head like he can't believe it. "Wow, what are you going to do now?"

"Well for starters, you won't be eating any of this pie."

"What why?"

I lifted the heavy container before heading in the direction of Kim Taehyung. "I've got a boy to seduce.

The End.

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