H O S P I T A L~Vkook

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Where a boy named Jungkook meets a boy named Taehyung in a hospital.

"Here we are."

Jungkook turned his head to see the front of a hospital. It was large and aesthetically pleasing but he hated it very much. "Mom please," He turned to his mother desperately, giving her puppy dog eyes. "I'll clean the house, the car, the lawn, anything. Just please don't make me volunteer at a yucky hospital."

His mom smiled, before unlocking the door. "Have fun sweetheart, make friends." Before he could reply, she leaned over to open the door and shoo him out. "I'll be back in five hours."

Jungkook opened the door slightly and peeked his head inside. The room looked like the normal second-grade classroom; way less depressing than the rest of the hospital. Some kids were gathered around a boy as he played them a song while others were chasing each other around the room. Then one boy who looked a little younger than Jungkook was stacking books on a shelf. "Wacha doing?"

Jungkook looked down to see a little girl with a huge pink bow in her hair with a dress to match. Jungkook shimmied around the door and closed it quietly. "I, uh, my name's Jungkook and I'm a....volunteer? He mumbled. He wasn't sure why but this girl made him nervous.

She furrowed her eyebrows and tilted her head. "Well, mister you don't seem to sure about that."

Before Jungkook could respond the boy who was stacking the books scooped her up in his arms. "Don't mind her." He sat her down in the other direction and she ran off. "I'm Jimin," He pointed to the boy who was singing., "that's Hoseok."

"I'm Jungkook. So what do I do here exactly?"

Jimin shrugged. "There's a lot of things. You could read a book to some kids, they love 'If you give a mouse a cookie'. Or you could help Mason blow his nose, he's only four. Better yet-"

Jungkook put a hand up, stopping him. "I got it. Are any of these kids," He made a dizzy fainting movement.

"Sick? No these are the nurse's kids, there's nothing 'wrong' with them."

Jungkook nodded. "Where's the restroom?"

"Down this hall and then make a left."

He nodded and left the room. He slowly walked down the hall trailing his fingers down the hospital walls. He was so focused on wasting as much time as possible he forgot the directions Jimin gave him. To lazy to turn back, he walked in the first door he saw that was open.

A boy was leaning against the wall doing a handstand. Jungkook cleared his throat causing the boy to lose his balance. "Ouch!"

Jungkook ran to his side and helped him up. "Sorry, I didn't know you were so focused."

The boy blinked a few times once he was balancing on his own. He looked at Jungkook then around the room. "Where am I?" Jungkook's eyes widened in shock. Just then the boy burst out laughing. "You should've seen your face, you were like, 'oh god what have I done!?'"

Jungkook was feeling a lot of emotions right now but the boys laughing made him smirk. "Ha-ha very funny, do you want an award?" He asked sarcastically.

The boy instantly nodded. He straightened up and pushed his hair back. Clearing his throat he held and imaginary award and began his speech. "I want to thank brown eyes here for everything that he's done, I couldn't have done this without him."

Jungkook rolled his eyes. "Are you done?"

The boy shook his head. "World peace, stay in school kids, okay now I'm done."

"Great, where's the bathroom?"

"Around the corner."

Jungkook mumbled a thank you as he left the room. However, the boy with the square smile and the soft looking skin didn't leave his mind.

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