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"Are you ready to go?"

Jimin nodded, eager to get far away from here and spend time with the mysterious Jungkook. He sat behind him on his motorcycle and wrapped his arms around Jungkooks toned stomach.

"You forgot your helmet." The raven haired boy turned slightly to slide the red helmet over his brown hair. Jimin's breath hitched as the raven haired boy leaned in closer to snap the latch. "Now we're ready."

When they got to their destination it was already beginning to get dark but Jimin didn't care. He was going to enjoy his time with Jungkook no matter what.

"It's getting warmer these days," The taller boy spoke helping Jimin off the bike. Just like the last time Jimin felt the tingles Jungkook left on his waist. "So I thought we should hang out at the beach."

Jimin nodded, not wanting to say the wrong thing and embarrass himself. As of now, he felt Jungkook was the only one who cared about him. He was willing to do anything in order for Jungkook to like him.

"What made you run away before?" The taller boy asked. His head tilted in Jimin's direction.

"Umm, I had to get home."

Jungkook laughed. "Oh, well it would have been faster if I took you. "Next time let me take you home, yeah?"


They continued to walk in silence and Jimin wasn't sure if it was the good kind of silence or not. He opened his mouth to say something but closed it again. He wasn't going to take a chance.

"Well summers coming, that's gonna be fun." Jimin nodded again which made Jungkook clear his throat awkwardly. "Jimin, how old are you?"

Jimin stopped walking and gulped. His mind went back to what Yoongi had said a few days ago. He didn't want Jungkook to think he was a little kid and leave him or something. But then if he lied, he was sure Jungkook wouldn't either not believe him or soon find out.

He decided his best option was, to tell the truth. There was no need beginning a friendship with lies. "I-I'm sixteen." He held his eyes shut waiting to Jungkook to start laughing and take him home.

Jungkook did laugh but he didn't proceed to take Jimin home. "Finally! I'm the younger one out of my friends, and I'm finally older! You don't know how happy with makes me."

Jimin his eyes and couldn't help but smile as well. Jungkook had the cutest laughing face it made Jimin want to pinch his cheeks.

"Come on," He held out a hand which Jimin hesitantly took. "there's an ice cream shop somewhere around here." 

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