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Katherine and Ciara finally climb up to the very top of the tower.

Ciara opens the door and gestures towards her room, "You first."

Katherine enters the room and looks around, "You live in a tower too?"

"Yeah," Ciara replies, "I love the view it gives."

"Me too!" Katherine walks over to the bed, "Only my room has a ton of red. I don't think it has any other color in the room."

A growl comes from under Ciara's bed making Katherine jump back, "What is that?"

Ciara groans, "Emma, don't growl at our guest."

Emma crawls out from under the bed and glares at Katherine.

Katherine steps away from the bear, "You have a polar bear as a pet?"

Ciara picks Emma up with a grunt, "Are you afraid of polar bears?"

"No," Katherine replies, "But that one doesn't appear to like me very much."

"She just needs to get used to you, that's all," Ciara carries Emma closer to Katherine, "Hold out your hand."

Katherine holds her hand out to Emma cautiously. Emma snaps at Katherine making her jump back again.

"Vicious isn't she?" Katherine asks Ciara.

Ciara puts Emma on the ground, "Emma! No biting! Be nice to our guest!"

Emma looks at Katherine and growls more.

"Katherine," Ciara looks at Katherine with fear, "What's that on your shoulder?"

Katherine looks to see Virano on her shoulder, "Virano? How'd you get there?"

"You couldn't feel it?" Ciara backs away from Katherine as she puts Virano in her hand.

Katherine shakes her head, "No, he's only a baby so he's almost weightless."

"Can you send him home, please?" Ciara asks in fear, "I'm deathly afraid of dragons."

Katherine nods, "I understand. Come on, Virano. Go on home. I'll be there in a bit."

She leads Virano to the window and he gets his wings ready. Then, out of nowhere, Emma pounces towards Katherine making her loose her balance.

Ciara gives a scream as Virano flies around in the room. Emma growls loudly as she chases the dragon and jumps up to try and get him. Virano darts to the window until he's swept out of the air from Emma and lands directly onto the floor. His wing is bent in a weird way.

Emma rushes towards Virano and jumps on him. She then proceeds to bite him.

Emma's jaws close down on Virano. Katherine and Ciara can hear clear sounds of bones cracking. Katherine watches the white in Virano's eyes slowly fade out. Emma drops the dragon out of her mouth and whimpers. She runs towards Ciara as Katherine picks up the limp dragon.

"Katherine?" Ciara asks and backs away from her, "Are you alright?"

"Your pet killed him," Katherine just stares at the dragon as its blood starts to drip down her arms.

Not knowing what else to say, Ciara answers with, "I'm sorry."

Something inside Katherine snaps. She places Virano on the floor and glares at Ciara, "Sorry?"

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