take caution

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"Miss Felix, thank you for supervising
but you're free to leave now.
Please take Mei to Mrs Collins' office."

In that moment,
Miss Ingrid feels like an
angel sent down to protect us.

But then,

as soon as Miss Felix leaves
with Mei following silently behind,

she turns to look at me sternly.

"Harmony, please sit down."

I wordlessly do as I'm told,

o v e r w h e l m e d 

by fear and anxiety.

"You were called down here
because we've had a few complaints
that you've been...cheating in class.

Is this true?"

"No Miss." 
I manage to say, without
falling over my words.

"I see, but I'm going to have to
ask you a few questions
before I let you go, okay?"


Soleil And Moonlight - Book 2  |  ✔Where stories live. Discover now