"Shhh, hey. No one else is here. It's just you and me. If he was there, he's long gone now. I won't let him hurt you." Noah said reassuringly as he held my head into his chest.

I took slow deep breaths until I was no longer panting. Noah was right, Livino was no longer anywhere to be seen. "I'm sorry." I whisper.

"It's okay." He pauses. "Do you want to come inside for a second and sit down?"

I shake my head. "Sorry, but I don't think I can do the whole class thing today."

Noah chuckles. "Only two people showed up today, so I sent them home and wished them a good break. It'll just be you and me in there, no interruptions this time." He says referring to his girlfriend walking in last time we were alone in that class.

I nodded. "Would you mind?"

"Not at all." He smiles and leads me into the class, closing the door behind us. Noah then leads me over to his desk and grabs me by my hips. I squeal as he lifts me onto the desk. Noah chuckles. "You're adorable."

I shift on the desk so that I'm more comfortable. I blush at Noah's comment.

He sits down in his chair. "Want to tell me why you were pacing outside my classroom for ten minutes?" He moves his wheely chair, that he's sitting on, so that he's almost right between my legs.

I look down at the post-it notes in my hand. "You know how I gave you my phone because he was texting me?" I ask after a few minutes.

Noah nods. "It's still locked up in that desk." He nods to his desk that I'm sitting on.

I take a deep breath. "Well... he found other ways to .... taunt me." I say and hold out the post-it notes.

Noah takes them and reads through them. His face turns to stone. He looks ready to kill. "How long has this been going on?" He asks after he's finished reading them.

I don't want to answer him, but I know I have to. "Since I gave you my phone." I say quietly, tears drip down my face.

Noah looks me dead in the eye. "This bastard has been sending you crap like this for the past three days, and you're only just now telling me?"

I nod slowly. "I'm sorry." The tears are now a fast river.

"Shh." He cups my face in both his hands, after putting the notes on the desk, and wipes away my tears. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to make you cry. I'm not angry with you Alanna-Belle. I just wish you had told me sooner."

I close my eyes and lean into one of his hands, right now all I wanted was his comfort. "I'm sorry."

"Shhhh." He whispers. "I've got you, it's ok." One of his hands pulls away and grabs a post-it note. "What does this mean Alanna-Belle?"

I read over the post-it note.

Wear this for me tomorrow night, I'll be back for you. Wear nothing else. 

I sob for a few minutes before I'm able to answer Noah. "This morning.... I was getting ready..... and he broke into.... the dorm..... I thought it was Esme..... but then my drawer was.... open and inside was a.... bag from.... a shop and it had that on it." I tell him slowly, my hands shaking at the memory.

"He did what?!" Noah growls, but I know the growl wasn't aimed at me. "Alanna-Belle, what was inside the bag?"

I shake my head, I couldn't tell him. Noah would hate it. He'd get even angrier. I shake my head again. "I... I c-can't."

He nods as if he understands. "Okay." He pauses. "Where are you staying over the break?" He asks all of a sudden.

I look at him confused. "I was supposed to stay with my mum, but she's had to go on a work conference." I say. "So I was just going to stay here."

"No you're not!" Noah says sternly. "His note was very clear, he's coming for you and I wont let that happen. You can stay with Esme and I." He tells me.

I shake my head. "I couldn't."

"Alanna-Belle, I'm not letting you stay here alone while no one else will be around." Noah tells me and hold both of my hands in his.

I continue to shake my head. "I don't want to impose."

He sighs. "You won't be imposing. I want you there. Esme do doubt wants you there. You could braid each others hair and do whatever girls go at sleepovers."

I laugh. "We won't be braiding each others hair."

Noah smiles up at me. "You should laugh more often, I like the sound of your laugh."

I blush and tear my eyes away from him. "What would your parents have to say about this? Me stay with you I mean."

Noah rests on hand on my knee. "I'm sure they'd love to meet you."

"You sure?" I ask, unable to look away from his hand resting on my knee.

He nods. "Positive."

I walk into the dorm, Noah hot on my trail. He closes the door behind him as I walk over to my bed to pull out a suitcase. "How long do I pack for?" I ask him nervously.

"The whole break." He says with a smile.

I nod and pull out my large suit case. I plonk it on top of my bed before going into the bathroom to grab my toiletries.

"What's this?" Noah asks when I walk back into the bedroom. He's holding a piece of pink fabric as he stands next to my drawers.

I blush instantly. "Please put that down...." I say slowly, ashamed that he found it.

He drops it onto my bed. "Why?"

"Just please leave it alone." I say.

Noah bends down to the ground and pulls a Victoria's Secret bag off the ground. "Alanna-Belle, who brought this?" He asks.

I shake my head. "No one." I lie.

"It was him wasn't it?" He asks.

I nod. "Just leave it alone. I don't want to talk about it."

Noah nods. "Lets get you packed so we can go home then."


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