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Skylar's P.O.V.

I woke up still feeling tired,I looked at over at my clock as it read 5:00 A.M,i groaned as I rubbed my eyes.  I got out of bed and went downstairs into the kitchen to get a glass of water.

when I got down there the light was on and Dan was cleaning the counters,"dad?",what are you doing up so early, I said squinting my eyes,"im just cleaning so Phil doesn't have to work today,now go back to sleep" I sighed and got a cup from the cupboard.

"I'm not tired,and maybe I want to help" I said sitting on the counter, he sighed/laughed," thanks but i don't need help", I finished my glass of water and rinsed it out,"well to bad,im helping and your not doing anything about it".

"fine,i guess you could run to mcdonalds and get some breakfast" I nodded and ran upstairs to get in the shower and get dressed.

when I got done I ran downstairs and slipped my shoes on,"i hope you know I'm using your card" I said slipping my jacket on.before he could say anything I was out the door on my way to Mcdonalds.

Mcdonalads was pretty far away from the house,and I felt as if id get lost because weve only been in LA for two days,guess ill never know.

"HEY BITCH GET IN" I hear a male voice call,i look over to see tyler in his car parked at the curb, I hoped in the passenger seat and told him where I was going,"why are you out so early" he said quickly glancing at me then back at the road.

"well Dan was giving Phil a day off and decided to clean the house for once since Phils always the one cleaning,and I told him I was helping and he just told me to come get breakfast so here I am" he nodded.


"- and a sausage mcmuffin" I said to the lady at the counter,"and will that be all for you this morning" I nodded as she went to the back,i went to sit down and asked tyler to go to starbucks and get drinks.

I waited for about 10 minuets until the lady called me up, "thanks" I said paying her, tlyer was back by now so he drove me back home.

"IM HOME SLUTS" I said opening the door,i sat the food on the counter and starting handing them out along with the drinks,"the lady at the counter was nice,but she was to nice and I don't like nice people" I said taking a sip of my drink.

we got finished eating and resumed cleaning,i turned on music as we cleaned, as we listend o twenty one pilots i danced and swept and sung while dusting,"since when did cleaning become a dance party" Dan said coming into the living room,"WHAT" i said loudly over the music "WELL MAYBE IF YOU TURN THE MUSIC OFF YOU'LL BE ABLE TO HEAR" dan said trying to be louder than the music,i turned the music off,"what did you say" i said jokingly,he laughed and jokingly punched my shoulder.

"when you get done cleaning were gonna do something" i gave him a confused look,"wha are we gonna do","its a secret you dork-o" I rolled my eyes and continued sweeping,


I sat in the back of the car with Skylnn,"so exactly where are we going" I said moving my bag that Dan had packed with random things as I was told,"not saying" he said keeping his eyes on the road, I sighed and went back to my phone."im pretty sure he's gonna take us to get probed" Skylnn said not looking up from her phone. "were here" Dan said pulling up to a dance studio.

I got out of the car and slowly started walking away,"get back here missy" Phil said tugging on my shirt pulling me back," why are we even here" I said walking behind Skylnn sluggishly,"you need to make friends,and it might help with all your stress and stuff" he said opening the door for us,

"why hello you must be the Howells" a perky lady with burgundy hair said,"yes" she looked in her notebook thing and back at us," just go through that door and meet Mrs. Chelsea" she said with a smile planted on her face.

we went through a pink door and on the other side was a lady and a group of kid/teens,"hi you must be Skylnn and Skylar" she said with a wide smile. we both nodded at the same time,"you can set your bags in there-" she said pointing to a room with lockers, "- and you can go change in that room" she said pointing to a changing room.

I half smiled and took my bag to the changing room and sat everything down,i opened my bag to realize Dan and Phil packed me dance clothes, I changed into my dance outfit wich was just  shorts and a sports bra.

I walked out and saw everyone stretching, and not gonna lie I used to be a gymnast and I already know how to do all the flips and stuff,but I'm not that good of a dancer.

"ok so first were gonna do every time we get a new student" she said as I sat in the circle with all the other girls,"were gonna go in a circle and tell each other about each other, were gonna start off with Mackenzie" she said pointing to a girl with blonde hair and brown eyes, "hi, my names Mackenzie,Im 14 years old, and  ive been in this dance class since I was about 5" she said all perky.

MY GOD,WHAT IS IT WITH All THE PERKY ADITUDES, we went around the circle until it got to SKylnn," hi,my names Skylnn and I'm 15,i live with my foster parents,and ive been a dancer but I didn't learn much". I was sitting next to skylnn and it was my turn," hi, I'm Skylar,um- I live with my foster parents and sister Skylnn,and ive learned gymnastics and some dances but I'm not experienced with it".

we stretched some more and then worked on our flexibility.

~le nother time skip~

"if you need anything else let me know" Dan said walking out of my room, i gave him a thumbs up,my body was really sore so Dan helped me stretch and shite while Phil was monitoring Skylnn working on a her flexibility.

it was pretty late now because we were dancin AAALLLLL day.

i got off my bed and went downstairs to see Skylnn working on her straight scorpian,"papa its starting to hurt" she said as her face turned red,"30 more seconds" Phil said looking at his phone while helping Skylnn hold her leg up. i went to the kitchen and got a glass of water before i went to bed.

i walked back upstairs and changed into my pajamas and curled up in my bed falling asleep.

so its technically the next day since its 12:00 am,and im not even tired. but since i only wroe lie 300 words on my chapter for ace bandages heres another chapter from this,so i technically wrote two chapters in one da from each book, GOOD BYE

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