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Skylar's P.O.V.

I woke up in Phil's bed remembering what happened last night. I looked at my phone as it read 1:41,I got up and got a shower and brushed my hair.

I went downstairs and saw Skylnn cooking "I saw/heard what happened last night" I looked at her sadness in my eyes "im Sorry that you had to hear everything"

she stopped cooking an came an hugged me "I don't want you to say sorry to me,the one person you need to apologize to is Dan" I nodded and ran to my room. I dialed Dan's number hoping he would answer.


S:Dan I'm sorry about last night, I was just scared and the nightmare felt so Real and............im just sorry

He then hung up without hesitation, I felt tears coming to my eyes,but I promised myself I wasn't go to cry. I decided to scream into a pillow but that lead me to crying,

a couple minutes later there was a knock on my door "go away Skylnn" I said lifting my head from the pillow "well I wanted to see my beautiful daughter but I guess not"

I got up immediately and ran to my door swinging it open, I ran and wrapped Dan in a huge hug "I'm sorry" I whispered in his shoulder "stop being sorry,its not your fault"

I smiled and sunk into the Hug. We stayed in my room for a while and talked about the dream,"sweetie like I said before me and Phil will NEVER hurt you,

and if you have a nightmare like that come lay with me or Phil ok", "ok". We walked downstairs where Phil and Skylnn were sitting watching Steven universe,

I smiled at the sight of them cuddling. Me and Dan walked out of the flat and walked to the park,on the way we got stopped by a couple fans, there was some negativity towards me,but Dan was here 😇.

We got to he park and sat on the swings. Dan and I sat swinging back and forth slowly,I unlocked my phone and went on musically,until my phone rang. S= Skylar J=Jack



S=hey,sorry I didn't call you,I had....family troubles

J=I Understand,where are you now

S=at the park with my dad

J=mind if I meet u there

S=let me ask my dad

"Dan" he looked up from his phone "yeah" "can Jack come meet up with us","of course"

S=yea we'll be at the swings

J=k meet u there

S=k,bye love you-

Right when I said those words there was an awkward silence "you ok Skylar" Dan said looking at me "i-im fine" I said and just hung up.

"are you sure cause you hung up on him pretty fast" I sighed and hugged Dan "its nothing ok,just,forget about it...please"

he nodded and went to the drink machine near the pond to get a drink. I sat and waited for Dan to get back until I felt a tap on my shoulder,

I turned around and saw JC. "What do you want" I Said crossing my arms,"oh nothing,just wanted to see my baby" he said engulfing me in a hug.

I pushed him off "first I'm not your baby,and second leave me alone" he then grabbed my wrist digging his nails in my not yet healed scars,he leaned down and whispered in my ear

"listen here you little bitch,your gonna listen to What I say or you and your family are dead" I cried as he dug further into my wrist "please,stop,I'll-I'll listen" he let go and kissed my cheek,"that's the girl I know",

a couple minutes later Dan came back with two waters,"sorry I took so long,the machine wasn't working" I nodded sadly and went back to my phone an text Jack

S=please hurry Jc is here and he still isn't over me

J=ok I'll be there as fast as I can


Finally after a few moments of silence Dan spoke up "oh,hi Jc I didn't see you there","hi" he said waving. "I'll be back I'm gonna go use the restroom"

I ran to the public restrooms they had at the park and just locked myself in a stall and text Jack to meet me by the pond near the restroom. In almost an instant he replied with an ok,

I sat in the stall for a couple more minutes until Jack text me telling me he was at the pond.I ran out of the restroom making sure Jc and Dan didn't see me.

I ran over to Jake engulfing him in a huge hug,"thank god your here,look I need you to get Jc to leave",he nodded and went over to Dan and Jc I waited by the pond for a few minutes before I heard yelling.

I stood up and turned around to see Jc tackling Jack to the ground.I immediately ran over to them trying to push Jc off of Jack but got pushed away by Dan,

he pulled Jc off of Jack holding him back as I helped him up,"are you ok" I asked looking him in the eye "yeah I'm fine,just hit my head off the ground",

I checked his head to make sure he wasn't injured,as I was examining his head Jc got out of Dan's grip and attacked me as I was being attacked/beaten everything went black as I heard sirens


Another chapter yaay *sarcasm detected* so yeah there is ANOTHER chapter coming up soon and I've already started writing it,you probably already know what's gonna happen but OH FUCKING WELL 😂😂😂

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