Thank You

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Skylar's P.O.V.

today I was planning on walking around and vlogging with Dan and Phil. I got dressed in a black skirt with kitty pantyhose and a pink crop top.

I turned my camera on and started vloging "hey beauty corns, so today is just a day in my life and I will be vlogging with my dads *dramatic music* "DAN AND PHIL, so let's go see if there awake".

I walked into Dan's room seeing him and Phil cuddled up next to each other "awwww" I said Waking up Dan "what time is it" he said looking at me sleepily,

"12:43" I said checking my phone "are you vloging" Dan said giving me his face 😑 "yeah why" I said turning my camera off "Skylar they don't know Phan is real"

I remembered and apologized "its fine" "hurry up and get downstairs so we can get GOING" I turned my camera back on as I was walking downstairs,

"so Mr sleepy 1 and Mr sleepy 2 are waking up slowly so I'm gonna make PANCAKES,yeah I know me making pancakes"

I made pancakes and bacon for everyone and went back upstairs to see if Dan and Phil were ready. "GUYS HURRY UP ITS BEEN LIKE 100 YEARS" I said yelling through the door,then a sleepy Dan and Phil came out,

I turned my camera back on and recorded "CARRY ME PEASANTS" I said at Dan and Phil "but Skylar" Dan said looking at me "I SAID CARRY ME",

Dan sighed and crouched down so I could get on his back "ONWARD". We got to the lounge and ate breakfast "so what are we doing today guys"
I said pointing the camera at Dan and Phil,

"well we could go to the park" Phil said putting his plate away Dan interrupted "Phil last time we went to the park you got bit by a dog"

I laughed and hugged Phil"its ok we'll still go to the park,"I wanna go to shake away" Dan said scrolling through tumblr,"I guess we'll just walk around and go random places". I put my shoes on and grabbed my Jacket"let's roll" we walked down all the stairs and got in a taxi

At the park
"So we are now at the park an-" I noticed Dan and Phil weren't near me and I looked over at the pond,they were sitting skipping rocks together.

"DAN,PHIL IM GOING TO GO WALK AROUND",they looked back at me and Phil said "OK WE'LL TEXT YOU WHERE TO MEET US" I nodded and ran off.

"So while sprinkles and cupcake are gonna go walk around and crap, were gonna go explore" I faced the camera to a bunch of stuff I saw on the way walking

"So I have no clue where I am,but all I know is we are no where near the park". I walked around getting myself even lost.

"So were gonna just see if anyone ca-" I bumped into a guy "oh,I'm sorry I wasn't Watching where I was going and I was rec-"

"its ok I wasn't Watching where I was going" he was gorgeous and as he talked I got lost in his eyes. I noticed what I was doing and realized I could never fall in love again after what happened with Jc,

"-my names Jack" he said raising his hand for me to shake,"Skylar" I shook his hand." This may sound weird but I was vloging and got lost,could you help me get back"

I was nervous asking this but at the same time I felt embarrassed "sure". I called Phil and asked where him and Dan were * P= Phil S=Skylar D=Dan*

P= hello

S=hey,um where r u guys

P= oh,I forgot to text you,were at Starbucks

D=*in background* is that Skylar, tell her I said "Bork"

P=Dan says "Bork"

S=k tell him I said meow,and I'll be there in a minute



I hung up and told Jack that I needed to find Starbucks, we walked for about five minutes into walking and filming we ran into Jc "Hey Jc" Kian said bro hugging him,

I stayed back frozen in fear "I see you've met my girlfriend" he said Walking over to me pecking my cheek,"oh, I umm didn't know two were a uh thing"

I could tell Jack felt nervous but I didn't know why. "So where are you guys headed" Jc said putting his phone in his pocket "oh I was just showing her where Starbucks was"

I just stood in my place with Jc's arm on my shoulder,"Jack can we Go" I said moving out of Jc's arms taking Jack's hand walking away,

"what was that about" I felt myself about to cry thinking about what Jc did to me,soon enough I was crying "Skylar are-are you crying"

Jack said stopping in front of me "i-im fine I just wanna go". Me and Jack continued walking still holding hands,

we got to Starbucks still holding hands "Skylar over here" I looked over seeing Dan and Phil,"cmon you can meet my dads" I pulled Jack over to the where my Dan and Phil were.

"Who's this" Phil said looking over at Jack "oh this Jack he helped me find my way here" Phil and Dan shook hands with him and said they're hellos "so what did you guys do while I was gone"

I asked winking at the boys " oh shut up" Dan said giggling "I'm going to buy me and Jack's drinks" Jack put his hand on my shoulder "its fine I'll pay" I looked at him with a sad look "No its ok I've got it,

you've done enough by showing me around" before I knew it Jack was at the counter paying, he came back and sat down

"how do you know what kind I want" I said crossing my arms "well your dads are sitting across from us,so I asked them" I hit him playfully while laughing.

We got done at Starbucks and walked to the flat "so um,what kind of music do you listen to" I thought for a second "Melanie Martinez, TØP,P!ATD, MCR, set it off EXO,btsand 5sos"

he nodded and we continued walking "what was that about you and Jc earlier", I froze right in my tracks not knowing what to say

"oh um nothing its uh I was just thinking of something sad" "are you sure" I nodded and we walked to the flat. We got to the flat and walked up thousands of stairs and went to my room,

"so what do you wanna do" I said sitting on my bed "well we could just watch a movie I guess" I nodded and went to my movie shelf and looked for a movie to watch

"how about,hhhmmm, the fault in our stars" I looked over at Jack and waited until he agreed. We laid in my bed watching the fault in our stars,we both cried but Jack barley even cried.

"Hey Jack" "yeah" he said looking at me "I just want you to know that me and Jc aren't really a ummm,a thing" he looked at me with sad eyes "what do you mean,

I mean Jc did kiss you" I paused the movie and sighed " well you see one night Jc kinda forced me to ummm, never mind let's just watch the movie" "Skylar stop lying I know something's wrong".

I told him the story about me and JC ended in us hugging and me crying in his neck,"promise me that if anything bad happens tell your dads or call me ok,I don't want you to cut anymore" I smiled and hugged him longer. We continued watching the movie,i cuddled up to him and fell asleep


So here's another chapter and yesterday was PHILLY'S BIRTHDAY and from now on I'm not publishing unless I get a certain amount of reads

edit:i lied

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