this is the most fun I've ever had

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Skylar's P.O.V.

I cuddled with Jack as we watched Spongebob,"Jack" I said looking up at him "hm" he said keeping his eyes on the TV"let's go see what everyone's doing" he nodded and we both made our way downstairs

When I reached the bottom of the stairs I saw Dan and Phil dressed up,"where are you two going" I said winking Dan laughed and looked at me

"We aren't going anywhere,but you Skylnn Jack me and Phil are going somewhere" I looked at him with a smile "go get ready,just don't wear anything fancy" Phil said ushering me and Jack upstairs

I got dressed in (outfit above) and Jack borrowed some of Dan's clothes,"IM READY" I sang running downsairs "are those my shoes" Skylnn said pointing at my shoes

I awkwardly laughed "nooo why would I wear your shoes" I said sounding sarcastic, she laughed and then hugged me "your the funniest person I know" I hugged her back smiling

"LET'S GET GOIN YA LITTLE NUGGETS" I yelled grabbing my bag and walking towards the door.we drove for about 20 minutes until we pulled up to a skating rink.

I laughed and looked at Dan "ok who's idea was this",we got out of the taxi and went in. We paid for our skates and then tried to skate

Dan immediately fell on his butt pulling Phil down with him which mad me laugh which made me fall,after skating for a while I finally got the hang of it and could now skate

We took a break and sat down to rest,me and Jack got a slushy and candy to share, and Dan, Phil,and Skylnn shared a pizza.

"So this is your first time skating huh" Jack said looking me in the eye "not really,I'm pretty sure I've been skating in the past"

We skated more and then finally went home,I went upstairs with Jack and we both layed in my bed,"my feet hurt" I said cuddling next to Jack, he laughed and pecked my lips

"You whine to much" he said jokingly, I jokingly punched him and laughed "I love you","I love you to". We spent a few hours in my room until Dan came upstairs

"Skylar, can I talk to you","I'll be right back" I told Jack as I got off the bed. "so what do you need to talk to me about","were moving"

At that moment I didn't know what to say "but Dan wh-what about Jack, and my other friends a-",were only moving out of the apartment"

I signed in relief "so where are we moving to?" I said pouring some orange juice in a glass,"I don't know yet,but its not gonna be far from here".

I nodded and took a sip of my juice "hey Dan","yeah","can I make a video with Jack","sure just don't break the equipment" he said handing me the camera and tripod.

I went to my room,set up the equipment and started recording." Hey guys,so today as you can tell by the title I'm going to be doing a.........BOYFRIEND TAG".

We asked each other questions and talked about random couple goals and ended the video,"that was good,now for the peasants to edit for me".

"DAN,PHIL" I yelled plopping on my bed, they came running upstairs to see what I needed "What" Dan said standing in the doorway.

"Here" I said handing him the camera,"What do you want me to do with this" he said sounding confused "edit" I said firmly.

He sighed and walked out of the room,I Opened my phone and went on Instagram "hey Jack" I said getting his attention,"yeah".

"we need pictures" I said making a serious face,he laughed and kissed my cheek,I opened my camera and took this picture

"there's a profile pic" I said setting it as my profile picture,he laughed and pecked my lips,we took more pictures and cuddled

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"there's a profile pic" I said setting it as my profile picture,he laughed and pecked my lips,we took more pictures and cuddled.

"I'm glad we met" I said grabbing his face and looking him in the eye,he giggled and kissed me passionately,I kissed him back as we both layed on the bed.

I giggled and layed on his chest slowly falling asleep


Another chapter,kinda short and cringey I usually do like 900 or 1000words but this one is only 720 cause its cringey and I was tired when I made this soooooo......UNTIL NEXT TIME MY FRENDS✌😘

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