The next boy stepped forward and, like I said, they just keep getting hotter and hotter. This one had dirty blond hair and brown eyes that reminded me of a chocolate bar. He was the cutest so far wearing a red hoodi and black shorts. “Hi, I’m Cayden and I am 18. I want to become a therapist. Also, if any of my brother do anything to upset you, you can always come talk to me about anything.” This one was nice. I think I’ll keep him . I smiled at him and said, “Thanks Cayden, I might take you up on that offer sometime.”

This next one was wearing a loose fitting blue shirt and the hottest jeans I have ever seen. Mental slap. Stop talking like this! This one had blonde hair and the most amazing blue eyes I have ever seen. It was like a clear ocean. “Hey Hailey, I’m Colten. I am 17 and I love basketball. If you need anything my door is two down from yours on the left.” Colten smiled, might I add the best smile yet. “Thanks Colten. It’s nice to meet you.” I smiled the best I could at him and hoped it didn’t make me look constipated.

I think is worked because his smile became wider. The next one was the hottest of them all. He was wearing a tight fitting black shirt that showed off his muscles and his six-pack. This muscle man has coco brown hair and green eyes. Not as stunning as Colten’s eyes. There were no words for his. “Hi I’m Brandon and I’m 16. Your looking at the caption of the football team babe. I agree with Daniel too, girl you are smoking.” he finished with a smirk on his face. Mental note: stay away from him too. “Um… thanks, I think.”

I quickly turned to the next Parker. “Hello I am Alex. I’m 15 and I love baseball.” I smiled at him. “Cool Alex. You know I used to play baseball too. Maybe we could play sometime and I could kick your butt.” he smiled and said, “I’d like to see you try Hailey.” I stuck out my hand. “Your on pretty boy.” we shook hands. Alex had dirty blond hair and green eyes. By the looks of him he seemed like the shy type. Hmmm, I might have to change that.

“Hola I am Jason. I’m 14 and I’m Cody’s brother. It you ever wanna talk about how you feel about you family, come talk to me. I know how you feel. I’m one door down on the right from your room.” said Jason and smiled a sweet smile. “Thanks Jason. Same to you. I’m one down from you on the left.” I smiled and he laughed.

The next one looked just like Daniel with his black hair, only this one had hazel eyes. O gosh, please don’t act like him too! “Hey there babe I’m Riley. My age is 13. Even though that three years younger than you I hope you would still give me a chance.” the little perv smirked at me. “First- no way and second-ewww, why would I date younger men?” I said. All the other brothers busted out laughing and I even saw Mr. and Mrs. Parker trying to hold in a laugh. I was proud of myself. That little perv deserved it.

The next guy was a lot younger. “Andrew introduce yourself.” said Alison. “Hi I am Andrew and I’m six,” He held up six fingers. Aww, how cute! “and I like swimming.” I smiled at him and said, “Your so cutie Andrew!” I said and he blushed. “Hey what about me?” said Daniel, Brandon, and Riley at the same time. “You guys are so weird.” I said. Andrew has blond hair and green eyes. He seemed shy just like his brother Alex. These shy Parkers are so cutie!

Next were the twins. They looked like their brother Colten, but one had green eyes. “Hello there you two. What are your names?” I asked the two. “I Cole and I two.” said the blue eyed one. O, I see, they named him Cole after Colten because they look alike. Clever. “I William. I two and I love sponge bob.” said the green eyed one. “That’s awesome William. So do I, we might have to watch it sometime soon.” I told him and smiled. “I would recommend staying away from those two. They are serious trouble.” said Cayden. I just laughed and genially slapped his arm.

I went up to Alison who was holding a sleeping baby in her arms. I looked at her face and could tell that she was definitely Alison’s daughter. “Holy cheese Alison! She looks just like you!” I told her. The little cutie opened her eyes and they were an exact copy of Alison’s. “Thank you sweetie. This is Sabrina, the littlest one to our family.” she said. I was mesmerized by Sabrina’s captivating eyes. “I will baby-sit her anytime you want or need Alison.” I said and smiled at her. She just laughed and said, “Hailey watch what you say, I might just take you up on that offer.” I just laughed with her.

“Ok then. Come with me Hailey and I will show you your room.” said Alison and handed Sabrina off to one of the boys. I think it was Cayden, but I wasn’t sure. She dragged me up the stairs and into the first hallway on the right, I would have to remember that so I wouldn’t get lost.

We went down to the end door and walked in. I gasped. “Alison thank you so much. This is so beautiful!” The walls were a light pink with light blue, orange, purple, and green polka dots on it. There was a queen size bed in the corner and a flat screen TV on the wall across from it. There was also a stereo and a couch in the room. Wow, and my own bathroom!

“This is my favorite part.” Alison said as she dragged me into the walk in closet already filled with clothes. “O my gosh. Alison this is amazing! You didn’t have to do all this.” I started to cry. “O no honey don’t cry, I wanted to. You’re my first daughter remember?” I gave her a huge bear hug. “I’ll let you settle in honey. Cayden will come and get you when dinner is ready,” she said and left the room. Well, I better start unpacking.


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