Chapter 9

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"No! Please! Oww! No  stop! Please! Oww!" Keisha was on the ground screaming and trying to block my hits and kicks as I beat the crap out of her.

About five minutes ago, after inviting myself into her apartment and introducing myself, the girl decided that she was going to play 'bad girl' and started swinging at me. Yes, I had invited myself into her apartment with the aim of having some revenge from her, but I tried to be civil at first- I told her that I was Sheldon's girlfriend and didn't appreciate what they did behind my back. But the bitch had the audacity and the nerve, to threw the very first blow and told me that 'yes, she screwed him and she isn't sorry', how rude right? That was enough to send me back into psychotic bitch land. I grabbed her by the hair wrapping my hands tightly into it, then pull her down and started beating the crap out of her. All those anger that was built up all this time was unleashed on her and to make it even worst some of those anger I still felt towards Sheldon, she got them. I just couldn't get enough slap out of her. As she was struggling to get me to let go off her hair as well as trying to hit me back, I yanked a little harder on her hair and that caused her to stumble to the floor. That gave me enough access and opening to start kicking her as she laid there screaming. I didn't have any intention to kill this girl but I just knew that if I continued she was probably going to end up dead so deciding that I should probably stop kicking her now. I only wanted to teach her a lesson and if she didn't learn it by now them she was one of the dumbest persons ever lived.

"Please stop. I'm s-sorry" she sobbed holding up her hands again once I had stopped.

"Yeah, I bet you are. This is what happens when your bitchy ass decided to encourage all the slackness of a man cheating on his woman" I said to her "This is just a warning but if you also even think about calling the police and reporting me, you won't even live to see or hear of me getting arrested. Got it?"

She just laid there sobbing and glaring at me which pissed me off some more. I hated being ignored and this was exactly what this girl was trying to do.

"I said do you got it!?" I kicked her again causing her to cry out.

"Yes! Yes! I won't say anything to anyone. I promise. And I'll stay away from Sheldon" she responded quickly.

"Wise choice. Though you can honestly have him if you want" I smiled at her "Bye Keisha"

I took my own sweet time going down the stairs. I've already used so much energy just at the one place, although going down the stairs was so much easier than going up. Now there's only one more thing left on my bucket list and it was probably going to be one of the most difficult task- to retrieve the diamonds from Buda.

This guy Buda, I had to give him an 'A-' in terms of resourcefulness and smartness because he definitely knew how to keep himself out of the spotlight but on the other hand in the spotlight for what's necessary and beneficial to him. However, in terms of originality and creativity he got a 'D'. I was now in Buda's underground club where he runs an illegal gaming outlet, it was like a casino where he also conduct his sales and exchange transactions. The reason why I said he got an 'A' for being resourceful and smart was because he didn't go about doing his business clear out in the open so that he'd easily get caught, his place was underground a little club and bar place. You'd have to go into the club up top and you'd get in with a special wrist band. However, he got D for his lack of creativity and originality because this idea of running an underground illegal business was all too Cliché and something you'd definitely see in the movies. He didn't even come up with a new and more creative way of doing things. It was like he just went all out and copied some movie theme, it was so typical and cliché for men like him to run illegal underground outlets and that was why it was so easy to get in her tonight.
Yes, I may have gotten all the information I needed from the message that was left on Sheldon's  phone but I seriously didn't think it would be this easy. The harder part now was to figure out whether or not the diamond was still in Buda's possession and if it was here or not.

I had came here partially prepared in the weapon department. I knew that there was no way I could walk into a place like this empty handed with the intention of just taking the diamond if it was here and walking out. I may not even be lucky today and would probably have to come back again. Now that I was here I had no idea of what my plan was, how was I going to be able to find diamond and how would I be able to get it. Sure if Buda have it here, there was no way that he was going to leave it unattended and unprotected, so how was I going to do this. I stood at an area near the bar scouting the place to see if I could pick up anything that would enlighten me in how and where to find this Buda guy and the diamond.

"What will you be having?" A man said as he stood beside me at the bar.

"Pardon me?" I asked looking at him in surprise. Was he talking to me.

"I'm having scotch" he said raising the glass he was holding "So what will you be having? Let me guess... Can I buy u a cocktail, dirty martini, vod...."

"Oh no" I gave him a fake chuckle "Thank you, but I've decided to not drink tonight... I'm driving"

"Oh? Driving alone? That's a shame, what about the boyfriend?" He said to me.

"We broke up... recently. But I don't wish to drown my sorrows in alcohol tonight I'm just looking for a little... What do they call it?... Retail therapy" I said to him.

"Well whoever that guy is that broke up with you, must be the biggest idiot ever. What guy broke up with a woman like you huh?" He said to me.

"Actually, I broke up with him" I said making the guy raise an eyebrow "We didn't exactly see eye to eye".

" Ah " the guy nodded before giving me a smile "He's at lost though. Since you're not going to accept my drink offer, how about you join me over there with the others for a game of craps"

"You mean the dice game? Sorry but I'm not any good at those games" I said to him.

"Don't worry, I'm a good teacher plus you can always watch and learn" he said stretching his hand out for me "What do you say?"

"I guess it can't hurt right" I responded as I took his hand and followed him across to the craps dice table.

Maybe I could learn a thing or too from him or someone else about Buda if I stick around.

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