Chapter 8

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"Mom, I really have to go somewhere today and tonight. You guys shouldn't wait up for me" I said to mom as I went and got a water bottle from the fridge.

"But you just got here yesterday. You're always on the run somehow. It's like you never have the time to stick around with your family long enough. You're always rushing out the minute you came" mom said to me.

"You know it's not like that Ma, besides I'm now going to be living with you guys so you'll be see a lot more of me, probably more than you'll like" I said to her "It's just that today and maybe for the next couple days, I'm going to be having some business to take care of"

"What businesses Scar? As for as I know you don't really have much business that you could possibly be taking care of for almost the entire week" mom said to me.

"I do have a few businesses to take care of. Like getting the rest of my stuff from Sheldon's apartment and trying to clear myself considering that Sheldon created this whole robbery mess then disappear and now I'm left with having to be in constant contact with the police and all" I lied

I hate lying to my mom but I couldn't possibly tell her the truth. Like what the hell would I say, 'Guess what mom, Sheldon used to beat the crap out of me and he force me to steal jewelry for him as well before going to rob the jewelry store himself. Oh and guess what else mom, he didn't really disappear because of what he's done or him hiding from the police or anything. He's missing because I snapped and killed his abusive ass then dumped his body into the sea'. No I couldn't possibly tell her any of that so the best option was to lie.

"I've always told you that guy wasn't any good but you still went ahead with him" Mom responded "You're just lucky that he didn't bring you down with him. I hope you've learnt a lesson now and won't run back to him if he contacts you and try to mend things".

"No, mom. Trust me I learnt my lesson well, I'm sorry I never listened to you before but I'm seriously done with Sheldon now, for good" I said to her.

"I really hope so Scarlet, I really do" mom said to me "That boy wasn't to no good, I could see that from day one. Because of him you didn't visit as often as before. And I just know he wasn't any good for you"

"And you were right Mom" I said to her "But I really need to head out now if I want to catch an early taxi. By the way my stepmom is buying me a car"

"You're referring to her as your step mom now?" Mom asked raising a brow "No longer 'your father's wife'?"

"Ivana is still being referred to as 'my father's wife' that's who she is. And Claire is still just my 'father's wife's daughter' to me but calling Ivana my stepmother was supposed to be sarcasm but maybe she does deserve the title if its even once, after all the woman is buying a car to get my acceptance and civility"

"I can't believe this..." Mom said.

"Neither do I but its happening so I guess it must be real. Mom I gotta go right now but I'll call you, in case I can't make it back for tonight then I'll see you tomorrow" I said kissing her on the cheek "Bye Mom"

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