Chapter 6

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Scarlet POV

"Scarlet you know we're longing to see you, you should totally come over here soon" Father said to me.

"Right now I don't think I can do that considering my monetary status Dad, right now I'm broke as a joke and not to mentioned I lost my job earlier...."

"You know if its money that's not an issue. I'll gladly send you the money so that you can visit your old man. I know you're an adult and all grown up now but you're still my daughter- my baby girl. Most of the time it's like if I don't call you or asked you to visit I don't get to see you..." He responded causing me to roll my eyes as I wedged the phone between my ear and my shoulder as I tried opening the wine bottle.

"Well you're the one who decided to move miles away from here where I lived so I don't see why I have to be the one to always drop everything and run after you Dad, you know I don't own a car and a cab is way too expensive" I said to him as I successful pulled the wine and began pouring it into the glass.

"Scar, why do you have to be so difficult at times. You know you can be just like your mom at times- the both of you are just so stubborn and hardheaded when it comes on to whatever opinion you hold" Dad responded causing my jaw to clenched in anger and my nose flaring. I hated whenever he mentioned my mom, he doesn't deserve to "I told you that you don't have to worry about the money because I'd take care of that. I always told you that you're free to ask me for anything and even Ivana, she..."

"Dad! Can we please just talk without you mentioning your wife to me for God's sake? And another thing leave mom out of our conversation alright, if I'm just like her I don't see an issue with that. She's my mother after all right? And better it be her than you" I snapped before taking a sip of the wine.

"What the hell is that supposed to mean Scarlet?" Dad asked me.

"You know what I mean alright, anyway forget it. I'm not in the mood to argue with you and it seems that's the only thing we do most of the times these days" I said to him. "By the way I'm moving back in with mom and aunt Navie this week, so..."

"Oh, thats... good, I guess" Dad sighed "I would really like to see you though sweetheart, I miss you. We miss you, I know you still don't like the idea of Ivana and I but she loves you Scar. And Claire adores you as a little sister too, they both want to see you as well"

"I'm not her little sister Dad. You being married to her Mom doesn't make us family and she's a grown woman, she's what 25, 26? She should be grown enough to noticed I don't really fancy her either" I scoffed before taking another gulp of the wine in my other hand "But if they miss me so bad then how about you tell them that to buy me that car they offered some time ago, huh?"

"Scarlet you know that's called being an opportunist, you don't like them but you're okay with using them for what..." Dad began but I cut him off.

"As if you don't. You complain about me being too much like my mom yet when I display a little of your characteristics you decided to get all holy and righteous on me? That's being hypocritical Dad, or are you the only one allowed to use people? Isn't that the reason why you marry her- because she has money?" I asked feeling triumphant as I know I had hit the nail on the head.

"Scarlet, I'm not having this argument with you. You are being out of line!" Dad responded now sounding angry over the phone.

"Truth hurts right Dad? I know, I hate being told the truth too. I guess that's something I adopted from you right? Don't worry I didn't completely get all of my ways from Mom" I smiled as I lifted the glass to my lips again. I can only imagine how red he is in the face now with anger.

"Scarlet don't..." The rest of Dad's sentence got cut off by the sound of knocking coming from the front door.

"Hey Dad, I gotta go now someone's at the door. But you should definitely tell your wife and stepdaughter that I've decided to take up their offer for that car after all" I said putting down the glass on the counter before walking back to the living room for the door "Maybe the sooner they can get me one the sooner I could probably drive out and say hi you know, calm their raging hearts, yes?"

"Scarlet, sometimes I think that you've been possessed by the devil himself" I heard Dad sighed frustratingly on the other end.

I smiled to myself knowing that I've successful riled him up as usual.

"You have no idea" I chuckled at his response as I made my way to the front door "Talk to you another time Dad, still love you"

"I love you too Scarlet" Dad responded with a sigh as I hung up.

Pushing the phone in my pocket, I combed my hair over my eye then swung open the door to see who was knocking and what they wanted. As the door was opened enough for me to see out in the hallway my eyes widened in shock at the persons standing there in front of my door.

But how?

"Hi again Scarlet, may we come in?" He asked and stepped inside the apartment without even waiting for my response.

"Hmm. Nice apartment you got here"

Oh no. This is not happening right now. It must be the alcohol.

Psychotic LoversOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora