Chapter 3

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"We're doing this today right?" Sheldon asked as he watched me getting ready.

"Yeah" I cleared my throat before nodding "Right"

"We have to be smart about this alright? If you're not or if you decide to act like a coward we're going to get caught" Sheldon said to me "And you know if you mess this up and get me in trouble the result ain't gonna be pretty"

"Sheldon I know. And trust me, I don't want to be caught any more than you do okay? I won't mess this up" I said to him.

"You sure you remember the plan?" Sheldon asked coming up beside me.

"Yes" I nodded looking at him briefly before relaying the plan he had told me "I'll have a paper towel/tissue out pretending to be sick and using it to sneeze in... I'll wait until a customer comes in that wants to take a look at the diamonds then when I'm to return them to the glass case, I'll discretely slip some into the tissue and put it in my coat pocket. Then you'll stop by to pick me up for lunch and I'll pass them on to you that time"

"Excellent. That's my girl" Sheldon smiled proudly before kissing me on my cheek.

It took everything I had in me not to cringed or flinch from him coming in contact with me. Ever since I realized how abusive Sheldon was all his touch felt sick and dirty to me and literally makes me want to throw up. Nothing about his touch feels affectionate no matter how gentle he may do it. I tried to play it off cool and put on a fake smile before putting on the concealer on my face. The marks from Sheldon's slap and him choking me last night was still evidence on my face and neck. Even though it was still slightly swollen, applying a good amount of concealer could hide the bruises.

"You should put some more right here" Sheldon said touching an area below my cheek on the left side of my face.

The nerve of this guy. After he was the one to inflict pain and bruises upon you he's now telling you how to hide it?

This is exactly what he likes, to abuse you and then have you cover up and hide it so that others won't know how much of a scum he really is.

Scar, you shouldn't just sit down and take this. You need to take a stand, find a way out of this mess you're in.

"Put some more on your neck too or find a turtle neck or something to cover up" Sheldon said to me "The bruises are so ugly. I don't know how you bruise that easily"

Oh wow Sheldon, bravo! A round of applause to you. You deserve on award for how good you are at this.

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