Chapter 7

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Somehow the way he looked just made my body shivered with fear as I took a step back still wide eyed. His other friend came inside the apartment as well and locking the door behind him. Something about these two men in front of me now just screams dangerous and up to business.

Now is not the time to be either nervous, scared, vulnerable or fragile Scar. This is the time to put on that tough exterior and attitude once again.

The voice in my head suddenly appeared once again and started talking to me.

These men are probably here for revenge for what Sheldon has done. You need to be strong, show that part of you that you showed when you took care of Sheldon or better yet act natural in case they just want to talk.

"Uhm... Mr. Evans, Mr.Donovan" I finally breathe out the acknowledgement as I took another step back.

"I see you remembered us" Mr.Evans was the one to say.

"Yeah I do, from earlier at the jewelry store" I nodded "Look, I'm really sorry about what happened last night and earlier, I... what brings you here now?"

"Drop the act Scarlet, you already know why we're here" Mr.Donovan responded.

"I'm sorry I don't..." I shake my head in confusion putting my best innocent face as I looked between the two.

"Do I look stupid to you or something?" Mr. Evans asked seriously as he took a step towards me making me step back "You know more about this whole break in and diamond stealing than you're letting on. I'm not fooled by the so called innocent facade that you've put on. And it was clear based on camera footages that your little boyfriend isn't the only one whose a crook. You've taken your fair share of diamond earrings as well so tell me, I can probably make this much easier for the both of you. Where are they?"

Looks like we've been caught Scar, alright time for plan B- admit everything. Out with the truth, maybe they'll understand. Or not.

"Seriously? That's your grand idea? To throw myself under the bus now?" I snapped in irritation at the voice before realizing my mistake once I saw the two men looking at me weirdly.

"Excellent, she's a crack head" Mr.Donovan said with a disgusted tone.

"Not quite" I responded clearing my throat "I've been drinking a little before you came but ... that's besides the point now anyway. I don't have the diamonds, in fact I don't know where they are.."

"Do you think this is a damn joke or something?" Mr.Evans growled lunging at me and pushing me back over to the couch causing me to fall back into it as the two men stood above me.

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