Chapter 2

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"Scar have you seen Razo?" Sheldon asked me.

"No, I haven't seen her since yesterday" I lied "She's probably just went out, you know how cats are she'll be back"

"Its unlikely for Razo to be missing that long" Sheldon responded as he looked around.

"There are other cats around the building so maybe she's gone visit a friend" I said giving him a fake smile.

"You're funny Scar" Sheldon said to me even though he didn't laugh.

"Maybe Razo is having the time of her life wherever she's gone. That probably explains why she isn't back yet" I said to him "Maybe you should go there as well, you know have the time of your life too"

Yes that damn scruffy cat was probably burning him animal hell, the same place you deserve to go.

"You look nice" Sheldon said as he watched me finished buttoning the top.

A compliment coming from Sheldon was so rare of late. I gave him a little small smile through the mirror before responding.

"Thank you"

"Yeah, now change" he said seriously.

"W-what?" I stuttered blinking at him not sure if I heard him right.

"You heard me. I said change" he repeated once again.

"But I don't understand, you just told me I look nice so why would you want me to change?" I asked him.

"Scar you know I hate having to repeat myself more than once" Sheldon responded as he walked over to me.

Probably questioning him wasn't such a smart move. I should have known this by now but still the defiant part of me refuses to submit. The minute Sheldon was standing behind me I was immediately tensed waiting for what was to come. I felt Sheldon gently placed both hands on my back and began moving them upwards. If others were around they'd mistake this move as one of affection or romantic but I knew that whenever Sheldon decided to do anything gentle it was not something to get comfortable with. His hands made their way up to the neckline of my blouse and instantly I felt him ripping the fabric off my back. I couldn't help but gasped in shocked at what just happened. This top was a gift from my aunt and I never wore it before and just like that it was destroyed.

"You hear me now?" Sheldon whispered in my ear before giving me a little push "Now go put something else on"

Sighing I decided not to protest and make things worse for me, I went and took out a black plain t-shirt and throw it on along with some baggy jeans. I seriously can't believe one guy could be this insecure, if I looked nice I could not leave the house that way. After I was finished getting ready I decided to leave before I was late for work but before I'd have to let Sheldon know I was gone.

"Hey, I'm heading out now" I said as I went to the kitchen area where he had gone.

"I'm picking you up later, make sure you're ready when I get there. I don't want to have to wait on you too long" Sheldon said to me.

"Yeah okay" I nodded "I'll be ready, I'll see you later okay"

"Yeah, I'm gonna hit the shower now" Sheldon responded as he headed for the bathroom.

I was seriously sick and tired of this guy right now. Everything about him upsets me and I am tired of all the abuse and assaults I've received from him. I don't doubt that if I stay with this guy much longer I was going to become another statistics of victim dead by domestic abuse but leaving him would result in the very same fate, so how do I do this? How am I ever going to get out of this mess alive? When I went downstairs I was all choked up on emotions and being upset at Sheldon. I hated him, I seriously hate the guy and I can't stand him. He has made my life a living nightmare. As I passed by Sheldon's car I took out my keys and used it to dig along the side of the car, it was surely going to damage the paint job. I felt a small sense of satisfaction as I looked at the damage I had inflicted on the car. I just wish that I could carved into Sheldon just the same as I had done with his car.

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