"I think you probably shouldn't have done that." Asriel said.

The group watched as the girl dropped the broken blade and pulled out a new and unused one. With wide eyes, the group ran to avoid the girl, and Frisk shot another fireball at the girl. The fireball hit the girl in the shoulder, but she remained standing as she watched the group run farther away from her.

"Emerald. Status?" A voice said from her earpiece.

"Their getting away!" The girl replied as she ran.

Meanwhile, the group kept running, making their way to where they landed the ship.

Alex pressed her earpiece. "Twilight? Do you read me. If you do, I want you to know that we finished the mission. Mettaton is safe. We're going home."

"Also, we're being chased by a green-haired maniac!" Ren shouted. "So if you're listening, please help us!"

As the group kept running and running, they finally reached the back of the garden and found the ship. The group watched the ship became visible to them. This was it. They were about to go home. As they kept running, a flash of light went passed them. The group turned around to find the girl with her weapon in it's revolver form. The girl's hair was messy and the left shoulder of her dress was burnt, and she had an angry glare on her face.

"You...are not going anywhere." The girl said with a growl.

"Emerald!" A voice shouted from her earpiece. "The cops are here! Abort the mission-"

The girl ripped the earpiece out of her ear, throwing it to the ground and stepping on it. With a smirk, she said, "You think you can get away from me?"

"Listen. We don't want anyone to get hurt, alright?" Alex said. "Just go back to your partner in crime-"

"Who is currently frozen in a pool?"

"Yeah. Just please leave us. We don't want to get anyone else in trouble."

"You think mercy is going to save you and your stupid friends?!" The girl shouted. "If you think so, it doesn't!"

"Oh, come on. It helps sometimes." Frisk replied.

"Quiet, you brat!" The girl pointed her weapon as Frisk.

"Hey! Leave me out of this! I'm only twelve years old!"

The girl growled with fury, readying her weapon. But she was suddenly glowing with a purple aura that suddenly threw her to a statue. The girl fell to the ground without consciousness. As the group turned, they saw Twilight with her hand glowing. They got her attention, and Asriel ran up to her and gave her a big hug.

"Thank you, Twilight!" Asriel shouted with tears in his eyes. "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!"

"Twilight, we thought you were still in the ship with Spike." Clarissa crossed her arms and glared at Twilight.

"I heard your distress signal from far away, and I knew you guys were coming here just so I can have a chance to get the bad guy." Twilight explained.

"I didn't send out a distress signal." Alex said.

"Neither did I." Jonas said.

"Not me." Ren said.

"None of us did." Blake said.

The group turned to the kids, seeing Saoirse raise her hand.

"Uh...thanks?" Nona said.

The group heard a whir and turned to the ship, seeing it's door open and reveal Spike near Twilight's laptop.

"Come on, kids. We're going home." Spike said with a warm smile.

The group finally entered the ship and it flew away from the garden of Mettaton's mansion. They were flying back to the Delta Base, hoping that Mettaton is left unharmed and the members of the White Fang and Dark Ones are taken by the police. On the way back, the kids fell asleep. The trip back home was silent, but Alex explained how she and Thorax managed to find them. They both got help from Mettaton's cousin, Napstablook, who had followed them and knew why they were in his room. She told them that he was an actual ghost and so was Mettaton, but he was inside the robot. Of course, the others were astonished that Alex and Thorax got help from Napstoblook.

Finally, they were home. After the ship landed, the kids woke up. As soon as they reached the base, they were met up by Sans, who was waiting for their return from the mansion.

"So, how was the party?" Sans asked with his usual big smile.

"It was great." Frisk answered. "It ended with a battle, but it was worth it."

"So, mission accomplished?"

"Yup. Mettaton is safe, and those two are probably taken to jail already. Saoirse did get a chance to meet one of her favorite artists there."

"Lucky for her."

"So, where's Papyrus?" Asriel asked.

"He's inside the kitchen of Delta Number 9." Sans answered. "He's having his quarrel with Weiss again."

"Dinner?" Thorax asked.


"Okay. What did he burn this time?" Alex asked with crossed arms.

"Meatloaf." Sans answered. "Also, they were making sugar cookies for dessert."

"And he burned those as well?" Nona asked.


Feeling her phone vibrate, Saoirse pulled it out and took a look. After reading, she put on a stoic expression as Frisk noticed.

"Hey. What's up?" Frisk wanted to know, then she was given Saoirse's phone.

"What is it?" Alex asked.

"It's Saoirse's brother, Ben." Frisk answered. "He saw the picture she posted on Strange Social tonight."

"What did he say?" Lloyd asked.

"He said he's jealous."

Asriel yawned. "I had a long day. Now please excuse me, I'm going to hit the hay."

"You just made a rhyme." Kubo said as he and the other kids followed.

"Yeah. I think I should go too." Blake said as she walked off.

"Blake. Wait!" Jonas called, but she was already far away. "I want to talk to you."

"Well, I'm out." Lloyd said with a yawn, then walked away.

And so, the humans went to go to bed. Jonas was going as well, but he was stopped when Sans grabbed him by the wrist.

"Kid, we need to talk." Sans said, then teleported away with him.

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